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Chrollo stared at Kurapika and shut the door making sure it was locked as well. Sometimes about Kurapika was interesting to him he didn't know how to describe it he just couldn't take his eyes off Kurapika. For whatever reason, his first instinct was not to hurt Kurapika even though it was clear what he was and where he was from. He cautiously reached his hand out to Kurapika to stroke his cheek gently. When he put his hand on Kurapika's cheek, he saw that this made his eyes turn even more Scarlet then before. "You're so fascinating..."

Chrollo had never seen the scarlet eyes on a living person. He had sent out his troupe to do the job of killing the kurta clan while all he did was the plan behind the scenes. Yes, he still played an important role and the plan wouldn't have worked without him but he didn't kill them directly. "I have never seen anything like it..."

Kurapika was very angry and swatted Chrollo's hand away really quickly. "Don't touch me!" Kurapika got into a stance that made it look like he was ready to fight Chrollo. He didn't want this bastard that he knew had played a part in the demise of his clan anywhere near him. He didn't even like the thought that he and Chrollo were breathing the same air. It made him absolutely sick. Chrollo looked at Kurapika for a little while and then sat next to him. This time, Chrollo didn't touch him. He had heard from Feitan and Pakunoda a while back that the Kurta clan had really powerful nen when they were angry and enraged. This was when their eyes turned scarlet. The Kurta's were beautiful but they were also deadly. "What is your name?" Chrollo asked him.

"Why would I tell a bastard like you anything about me!"

"I might be a little different then what your mind has believed you to think."

"No! You may think of yourself on some high platform but you are a terrible person! You killed my whole family! My whole clan! Everyone I ever truly trusted died because of you! Do you know how long it took me to trust anyone ever again?!" Kurapika was enraged and his eyes were a bright scarlet. His eyes were beautiful but they were practically screaming at Chrollo in a way, telling him all his tales of suffering and heartbreak. In a way, Chrollo saw a little bit of a younger version of himself in Kurapika. Kurapika had no idea where he belonged anymore or what to do with his life anymore. Chrollo used to feel exactly the same way and he still kinda did. This is why Chrollo created the troupe, to begin with. He wanted to feel a sense of purpose and belonging in life. Did Kurapika really feel the same way? Kurapika looks at Chrollo still very angry looking.

"You're lost, like me."

"I am nothing like you! Get away!"

"Listen, hear me out. You don't know where you belong, you don't know what to do with yourself or with your life anymore. That's exactly how I felt."

"I feel this way because of you!"

When Kurapika said that something hit Chrollo in the heart. He didn't quite understand what this feeling was. He didn't really if ever feel bad for people or wish he hadn't done something. Chrollo almost never regretted a thing he did. He thought he was just another worthless person on this planet and that his actions didn't matter at all. Yet, when he saw this blonde-haired male sitting in front of him with his angry tears pouring down his face he felt something. He felt like he wanted to reassure him that everything would be alright, that he was going to be ok. Chrollo wanted him to feel safe but he didn't know why he did or why he even cared.

"I'll ask again, What's your name?"

Kurapika sat there hesitantly. He didn't know what to say to this man who was standing in front of him. The man who had taken everything that he ever cared about away from him like it was nothing, the leader of the Phantom Troupe. Kurapika was ready to attack Chrollo. He got his chains ready but Chrollo responded faster. He opened his book and a nen bracelet appeared on Kurapika's hand. "HEY!!! What is this?! I can't take it off!!!"

"It won't hurt you, It only makes it so you can't use nen for the time being. You looked as if you wanted to attack me and we can't have that happening."

Kurapika growls angrily at Chrollo. "Let me go!!" Kurapika yelled at him.

"I think I am going to keep you here for a little while."

"You're kidnapping me?!"

"Don't think of it that way. I won't treat you harshly or anything like that In fact, I will treat you quite well." Chrollo offered Kurapika his hand to get up from the floor and after a while he reluctantly took it.

"Don't start to think that just because I am being forced to stay here means that I will do whatever you tell me to!"

"I never expected that you would."

"Good!" Kurapika looked down. He wasn't sure he even cared about this. He didn't really see any purpose in his life anyway. All he wanted was to catch the Phantom Troupe after all... then something hit him. If he pretended to comply with all of Chrollo's requests and remained kidnapped' by him then maybe Chrollo and the troupe would start to trust him and once he got his freedom back completely, he would go turn them all in. Kurapika took Chrollo's hand thinking that his plan was a good one. He still didn't talk to Chrollo in fact he tried to ignore him. He was still disgusted that he was holding the hand of a man who he hated so much.

"Can you please tell me your name? What am I going to call you? I can't just call you nothing." Kurapika thought if he all the sudden complied with every one of Chrollo's requests that would seem suspicious so he still decided to push back on some of his requests for the time being.

"If you don't talk to me, you won't have a need to call me anything," Kurapika said bluntly.

"Well, I am going to be talking to you so you should tell me your name or I can just come up with something to call you," Chrollo told him.

"I'm tired. Is there a place I can sleep?" Kurapika asked. He didn't care if he was rather demanding. He thought it was possible Chrollo would lose interest if he was just annoying all the time as well.

"Oh? I suppose it is kinda late. Follow me." Chrollo unlocked the door and took Kurapika to a spare room with a bed and a dresser. Chrollo looked around the room and decided it was a good fit.

"I will be right back." Kurapika sat on the bed. It wasn't like he could go anywhere with the amount of security in this place. All the other troupe members would know about him by now and They would all listen to their boss and not allow Kurapika to leave. When Chrollo came back he was holding comfortable looking sleepwear in his arms.

"You only look slightly shorter than me so these will probably fit you nicely," Chrollo told him and tossed him the PJs. Kurapika looked at them for a little while and then went into the bathroom to put them on. Chrollo was right, they fit him pretty good and were only slightly big. Kurapika left the bathroom with the PJ's on and laid in the bed.

"I was right, they fit nice. At least they look like they do. How do they feel?"

"They feel fine," Kurapika said simply. Kurapika pulled the blanket over his body and looked at Chrollo. "What should I call you? You keep asking what to call me but you never told me what to call you."

"You can just call me Chrollo." Chrollo turned off the lights. "Are you alright to sleep?"



"You can call me Kurapika."

Chrollo smiles softly. "Alright, good night, Kurapika," Chrollo said and left the room.

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