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Kurapika Ran as fast as he could, gasping for air. He needed to see the spiders, he needed to see who had thrown him into this life of hell, and then he needed to destroy them. Kurapika got to the auction building and Slipped around it because he couldn't go inside. He looked around and saw something on the floor. It was Feitan's bandanna but he didn't know that. "What is this?"

     He thought. He put it in his pocket and looked around. He saw a hot air balloon in the back with some people in it. They were saying some things that he couldn't quite make out before the hot air balloon started to rise. "Is that them?! The spiders?!"

     Kurapika's eyes briefly flashed a color of scarlet. How could he expect to follow them? If they were going to travel by air in a tight space like that Kurapika couldn't just hop on. Kurapika saw a motorcycle with a helmet in the back. "Hmmm..."

     Kurapika didn't think twice before stealing the bike to track the spiders. He hopped right on and rode in the same direction that the spider's balloon was going. He was riding along until he saw cars come up from behind him. "Hey! You!"

     They stopped him. "Show us proof of identity!"

     "Why should I? I don't know you."

     "We are leaders in the mafia so if you value your life, I suggest you show us."

     "Are you tracking the spiders too?! The phantom troupe?!"

     "The phantom troupe?"

     "I'm not certain but I think the phantom troupe are the ones responsible for what happened at the auction."

     "Who are you?"

     "Kurapika, a bodyguard for the nostrade family."

     "Nostrade? Alright sounds legitimate I did hear they hired a few new people."

     "Yes, I am one of them."

     "Alright, you can go. You have no business against us."

     Kurapika rode off going in the way he thought they went before the ground started shaking. "What is this?!"

    Kurapika looked over onto the horizon and saw a red looking glow. It looked like nen being punched into the ground. Kurapika ditched the bike and ran in that direction and hid behind a rock and saw a group of people playing cards. Kurapika thought that this was odd. Their comrade was fighting and the others were just playing cards. Did he not want their help? Did their comrade really think he could take on the whole mafia and the shadow beasts alone? Kurapika wasn't sure. Kurapika sat in his position and waited. He waited for a chance to do something. However, his chance never came. Feitan saw Kurapika and ran at him at the speed of light.

    "Hey! That's mine!" Feitan said pointing at the bandanna sticking out of his pocket. Feitan was angry-looking as if someone had stolen from him.

     "Did you take this?"

     "I found it on the ground!"

     "Who are you? What are you doing here? Why are you watching us?"

     Kurapika didn't say anything.

     "Not a talker huh? I can make you a talker. I suggest you say something."

     "Why do you kill innocent people?!"

      "Why should I tell anything about us to a person like you. You haven't proved to be worthy of anything. Let alone info." Feitan growled at Kurapika. "You are coming back with me."

     "I am not going anywhere with you! Fuck off!"

     "Don't talk shit when you can't even getaway. So much shit talking for a hostage." Feitan chuckled.

     "I am not anything to you!"

     Kurapika kicked Feitan and got ready to fight. Feitan quickly responded by kicking Kurapika in the leg hard as he took a stance breaking his leg.

     "Don't underestimate us. It makes me angry." Feitan picked up Kurapika and tied him up.

      "Where do you think you are taking me?!"

      "To the boss."

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