Ep 03 ; Part 2 - Ticket

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"Omma... My friends said that the dorm is great." I asked Omma when we are having dinner.

"Then you should just stay there."

"Hmm... But is it okay if I leave you?"

"What if it's not? Like you can bring me to your dorm, " my mother puts up her joke.

"If you are not okay, then I won't go."

"Ani... Just stay there. I'm not even alone. I have your khumu, samchul and Nayoung."

"Ne... We can take very good care of your omma. Don't worry, Sejeong-ah!" My aunt convinces me.

"Don't you have any club activity? I heard that K High students have very pack schedules that you can't survive the schedule if your house is far away," said Nayoung, my cousin who is in the same age with me, but she's at G High School.

"I guess that school is so popular in Seoul that everyone even knows about the schedule. Ne... I should have, but my club meeting is tomorrow. Both evening and night. Omma, I might skip the dinner for tomorrow."

"K High School is very well-known, you know? You are so lucky to be one of them. They produce smart and talented students. If you don't achieve the school target, you will be kicked out. And also, the students will win most of the competition they entered. There are also rumours that if you can't catch up with the system, you might be depressed and end up commit suicide."

My eyes growing wider. "Jinjja?!"

"That's what I heard. But the school is such a flock of great students. Omo... I don't believe my cousin actually got into it."

"I think I need to prepare mentally and physically. But I think that's true. You know, Nayoung-ah... When I was in my old school, I was the prettiest. But at this school, there are a bunch of angels. The guys there are also very good looking."

"Whoaaa! Jinjja? Do you get interested in any guy there? Omo... I'm so jealous of you... You need to hook me up with one of them. By hook or by crook." Nayoung is so excited that she wags her chopsticks rapidly.

"Ani... Not yet... Guerae! Once I get closer to them, I will do it. None of my classmates is not handsome, you know? But... Don't put such a high hope. They might be taken someday. I heard that once we are in senior high, no one will end up being single. The sunbaes from third-year are already fully taken. Each of them. Can you believe that?" That is what Sohyun and Joy told me when a guy from the second year came to fetch one of my classmates, Seolhyun who is his yeoja chingu. He is one of the guys from this morning, when I accidentally hit Sehun.

"Omo... That. Is. Just. So. Great. So, you will get a namja chingu sooner or later?" Nayoung closes her wide open mouth.

"Ne... I think so. But I'm planning on getting one very soon."

"Daebak... You are awesome, Sejeong-ah! You are jinjja uri sachon." Nayoung pats my shoulder several times, showing out her proud for me.

"Aughhh! These two... Do you even notice there are the elders at this dining table? How could you be so rude?" Omma already started to nag.

"Mian..." Both Nayoung and I said that together. We were so excited chit-chatting that we ignored the others.

"They even talked about the namja and suicide things. Those are all nonsense. Sejeong-ah, don't trust her word." Khumu also states her dissatisfaction.

"Omma... That's what the rumours said. Not me!" Nayoung pouts to her mom, who is my mom's younger sister.


"Ne, Omma..."

"Are you really okay with the new school?"

"Guerae... The school is great, the teachers and students are great. Wae?"

"To think of it, I might have enough money to support your high school. But right now I'm thinking about the money for your university. Considering to your school fees, as it is a private one, I only can save five percent to support for your university."

"Omma...! Let's think about that later. I'll win the Hankuk-Webtoon Competition and get a full scholarship at Hankuk."

"Ne... Ne... I put my trust on you. You better win, okay?"

"Ne! You know me, don't you? Your daughter is the best. I'm not going to make you frustrated." I said bubbly and cheerfully it makes all of us laugh together. But deep inside, I was so nervous. This contest is my future. If I don't get this opportunity, then I'm nothing. I put up my life at its stake by entering this private school and this competition is my only hope.

I feel quite confident but I know, this is not easy. I can draw but I've never entered any drawing contest before. I'm actually more confident with my writing skill because I used to win the first place once in a writing contest.

I'm too desperate to win this competition though.


I open up Hankuk University official website and look at the information of the competition. I used to read this several times as it gives me the confidence and passion to do my best for the competition. I still read it even I already could memorize every sentence. I keep scrolling my phone till the bottom of the page, and I find a topic. A topic that I've never read before. List of The Judges. They might be just updated it as I've never seen it there before.

I read it and I stopped at the third judge. Oh Seowoo, Arts Department, Faculty of Arts, Hankuk University. He has the same surname with Sehun which is Oh. I remembered it clearly because I find his surname is quite rare, compared to mine which is Kim.

But then I remember something. Something that Seyeon told me when we went home together this evening. "His father is a lecturer at Hankuk University." Jamkkaman. Does this mean that this person might be his father?

Then I started to think. What if he's really his father? What if he deeply falls in love with me, then could he be my 'ticket' to this competition?

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