Ep 06 ; Part 1 - Protect

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Sejeong's POV ;

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight." Kahi Seonsaengnim keeps on with the rhythm.

I know I'm quite a fast learner, but not in dancing. I pushed away the embarrassment, hoping the learning process will be faster and it works. Kahi Seonsaengnim teaches me for about fifteen minutes and I got to catch up with the first part of the choreography. If I don't push that feeling away, I think I'll be slower than this. Plus, I hate dancing. But I just don't know why I got excited to know that this school has a Dancing Club. Maybe because my old school doesn't have one. So I was excited to give it a try, thinking I'll build interest in dancing. But with this kind of 'dress code' and also the choreography that gives me goosebumps and it's quite hard too, I don't think so. But it's okay as long as I also a member of the Singing Club and Sports club which are my passions.

Luckily Sehun is a gentleman. He doesn't touch me and also avoid looking at any sensitive parts of my body. But surely, he sometimes need to, according to the choreography. I should thank him too. If he's not a good dancer then I'll get more troubles to catch up with the choreography.

"You're doing good so far, Sejeong. But can you do something with your T-shirt? It's too lose I can't see how your body moves. I need to see if you're moving your body right or not.

"M... Mwo?" I can't help myself but to be startled after listening to that. Then I remembered Tzuyu's advice before the class started. "I'm hoping Kahi Seonsaengnim will let you off this time, but if she doesn't, then knot your clothe with your hair tie, "

"Ne... Seonsaengnim." Even if I really against how the others are exposing their body, but what else can I do if the teacher asked me to? I pull out the hair tie from my hair, forcefully pull up my T-shirt until my belly was shown off and make a knot under my chest. I clench my teeth, thinking what would Sehun see, standing right behind me. But from the mirror, I could see he's looking at another side. Omo... Oh Sehun, just why is he so gentleman? This makes me... Fall... I keep falling to this side of him.

"Great... It's okay as today is your first time. But make sure to wear a suitable outfit so I can see how you move your body, " said Kahi Seonsaengnim, strictly.

"Ne... Mian, seonsaengnim... I'll surely do that in the next class."

She gives me a smile before we continue with the choreography.


Sejeong's POV ;

The class is fifteen minutes left and I learnt the whole choreography! I just can't believe I did that! The hardships don't matter anymore. We also don't take any break for one hour and forty-five minutes.

"You two did great. You should take a rest now. But as this will be appointed nest week as your club activity's marks, so Sejeong, please make sure to make another session of practice with Sehun."

"Seonsaengnim, Sehun is great. I think I'll just practice by myself. He had a hard time helping me already." I feel so guilty towards him.

"Depends. But it'll be better if you can make great chemistry. You'll be assessed with your partner. And we'll keep going with these pairs. It'll be easier."

"Ne, seonsaengnim..." said both Sehun and I before Kahi Seonsaengnim walks away.

"Are you okay, having another practice with me?" I ask him after drinking almost half of the mineral water. Sehun, at my side, seems to be tired too.

"It's okay. Practice makes perfect though." He smiles at me. "So how about Saturday?"

"Mwo?" I asked him, not understanding what he's trying to say.

"How if we make the practice on Saturday, at the rooftop?"

"Ne... Guerae..." If he's the one offering, I should not be ungrateful to refuse it. "Just why we should dance to this 'Who's Your Mama?'" I sigh, still can't accept that our choreography is based on this dirty song. Then it's not Jisoo's fault for shook off her butt and Jinyoung also didn't touch anything of Jisoo's. It's just the choreography and he just needed to move his hand above Jisoo's body. Not more than that. I got to understand that only after I learnt the choreography.

My question makes Sehun chuckles. "Don't think too much. This pairing assessment will be held only once every year. Who's Your Mama is the beginning. They will make you dance Troublemaker in the second year and in the third year, they will make you split your legs on the air, on a guy's shoulder."

Sehun's explanation makes my jaw falls. "Jinjja?" I think this is the worst, but there are actually the worse of the worst!

"Ne... Everything has pros and cons though..."

Then I think I should get used to these. To the dress code and also to the dance. K High School is surely on another level.


Sehun's POV ;

The class ended, but my plans don't work today. I volunteered to be Sejeong's partner because I told her that I'll always help her and I'm not someone who breaks his promise. Other than that, I planned to tease her. I want to make her lose her breath again, just like what I did this morning. To make it short, I'm happy when I get my revenge on her. But I'm not sure if I'm happy because of the revenge or because she was cute and funny when she got panic.

I planned to give her chill through her body by saying she looks sexy or making some skinship. But that was just the plan. When it comes to reality, I just can't. I don't want Sejeong to feel uncomfortable with me. I'm afraid if I cross the line, it'll hurt her feelings. I don't want to say this. I'm not a protective guy as I was pampered by others but I'll protect the one I love. I'm not sure if I really love her or not but I really want to protect her the most. My heart's driving me crazy!


I'm not sure if the song is too sad for the chapter or it's just okay. I choose the song because the title is quite similar to this chapter's title. Plus, it's Jaejoong's 😍

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