Ep 04 ; Part 4 - Ace

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Sehun's POV ;

I feel so refreshed after taking a bath. When I enter my room, just like usual, Baekhyun Hyung is already sitting in the middle of the room with Suho Hyung and Chanyeol Hyung. They seem to have a fun topic that they are discussing.

"That girl! That girl from this evening. At the Sports Club. She's jinjja daebak!" said Chanyeol Hyung, excitedly just like what he used to be.

"That girl? That cute girl? The one who piggybacked Defconn Seonsaengnim?" asked Suho Hyung, also excitedly, but of course not as excited as Chanyeol Hyung.

"Ne! Ne!"

"Piggybacked Defconn Seonsaengnim? A yeoja? Jinjja? I don't see any new big yeoja move into our school lately." I join the three of them in the topic after I sat between Chanyeol Hyung and Suho Hyung.

"Ani... She's just a small and cute girl, Defconn Seonsaengnim is three times her body I thought."

"Jinjja?" Baekhyun Hyung get excited even if he is enjoying the snacks.

"Ne... That's not all. She defeated Hani in the arm wrestling too." Suho Hyung doesn't miss out to be the informant.

"Mwo? Hani? Hani our classmate?" Baekhyun Hyung is shocked to hear that. The same goes to me. Everyone knows that Hani has a beautiful face with high IQ and she is so strong that she could lift up a guy in a bridal style. Whoever to defeat her is really someone great.

"She defeated Hani in two seconds and she made Hani screamed too. Hani was also taken aback."

Both Baekhyun Hyung and I got our jaw dropped listen to Chanyeol Hyung's words.

"She's not just strong. She hit the centre point in archery too." Suho Hyung praises her, but of course, he doesn't forget to praise himself too, "But so do I. I think the centre point and I are destined together."

"Ne... She got a strike in bowling twice in a row. But that's just a test to determine which sports she should do. We're not sure if she would beat me or not." And there's the second guy to praise himself, himself.

"Is she an ace or what?" Baekhyun Hyung says unbelievably.

"She is so cute when you first see her. But once she got into the mood, her face turned serious. And then, she laughed while clapping her hands after she's done." Of course, the talkative Chanyeol Hyung won't wrap the topic up so easily.

"Aigoo... Hyung, should I recall your reaction when you play bowling in the last athletic championship?" Just by saying, all of us could already laugh.

"Ne... He even didn't want us to support him because he would feel shy and nervous," said Suho Hyung.

"He even showed a lot of reaction. He was so happy jumping alone when he got a strike and he focused too much when he threw the ball his eyes could jump out from their socket. And when he didn't make a strike, his neck hurt, " added Baekhyun Hyung and all of us burst into laughter.

"Ne... He was in a lot of pressure back then. That awkward face he made every time Jaehyun made a strike." Everything that Chanyeol Hyung did that day was so funny.

"At least I won the gold medal!" Chanyeol Hyung try to have a back up on his side.

"Of course you did. Even you excitedly bit the medal is also funny."

"Aigoo...You all... Stop talking about me please! I am not the main topic here. We're talking about the girl.
I think she likes sports very much."

"I think so." Baekhyun Hyung supports Chanyeol Hyung's opinion.

But I have a different opinion. "If she is so strong, then she should be who is quite boyish or maybe tomboyish."

"Ani... She's just like the other girls. She has long hair, pretty face, she's cute too. You won't expect her strength from her appearance." Suho Hyung finally being able to talk again after laughing big.

"But it may be something like that, Sehun-ah... She really is pretty. But she left that besides when she was doing the sports," said Chanyeol Hyung.

"I see... She's not a tomboy but the tomboyish is inside her."

"Ne... You could say that. But... I don't know whether I should tell you this or not."

"Mwo?" All of us are paying attention curiously to Chanyeol Hyung.

"There's rumour that when some girls saw her changing her clothes into the sport attire, they saw her back muscle is great. They said that it looks like Jongkook's Seonsaengnim wearing a dress."

"Isn't Jongkook Seonsaengnim a hulk?" After Baekhyun Hyung's words, all of us were so... we just can't describe what we feel. Those feelings are mixed up that we remain speechless for some seconds.

Until I broke the silence with a question. "Hyungs, actually, who are you all talking about. I just join the conversation without knowing who is the girl."

"We also don't know. But I think I saw her before. Did you ever see her?" Suho Hyung asks Chanyeol Hyung.

"I'm not sure but she really seems familiar. Where and when did I meet her?"

"To think of it, why do we just noticed her talents by now? Is she a new student?" Baekhyun Hyung's question make both Chanyeol Hyung's and Suho Hyung's eyes open up so widely. They point their index finger to each other before looking at me, at the same time.

"M... Mwo?"

"It's her," said Suho Hyung.

"The girl who called you Hyung. It's her," said Chanyeol Hyung.

"That girl?" asked Baekhyun Hyung.

"Se... Sejeong...?"


This happens when you watch the ISAC (Idol Sport Athletic Championship). Feel free to watch it at Youtube.

👆👆👆 The video of Chanyeol playing bowling against Jaehyun NCT. I laughed so bad looking at Chanyeol 😂😂

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