Ep 04 ; Part 1 - Strange

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Sejeong's POV ;

I come into the class with a new mindset. A serious one. I. Really. Need. To. Get. Him. He will be my ideas and he also will be my cable to win the contest. I will ensure it.

I recall what Nayoung told me. The tips she gave me. Approach him at the right time. To think of it, I just talked with him once today. It's worse than yesterday, which was twice. Omo… What a big shame! The progress is just too slow. By hook or by crook, today, I need to talk to him at least one more time. But what should I talk about?

Then I get an idea. "Hyung…" I call him.

And he turns his handsome face at me.

But then I found something strange. Oh, God! Did I just called him Hyung? Omo, omo! Ottoke? "OmoMian… I don't get used to not call you Hyung…" No matter what happens, I need to remain calm. At least in front of him.

He just laughs. "Sejeong-ah…" Out of the blue, Sehun suddenly pat my hair. "To think of it, I think it's not a big deal if you call me Hyung. I told you I don't want you to be uncomfortable when you are with me. Just call me whatever you want. Hyung is just okay."

"NNe…" I stutter from the pat he just gave me. "What club are you in?" I'm trying not to make any eye contact with him. My heart is still thumping like crazy.

"Dancing, Singing and Modelling. Wae?"

"Dancing and singing? Then we are in the same clubs." Yeah, I get a lot of chances to be with him!

"Jinjja?! It's great then!"

"Where will the Singing Club meeting held for tonight?"

"Don't you get the schedule yet?" He asks me with a worry-look on his face. But I guess it's nothing. He is a class monitor and taking care of the class member is one of his responsibilities.

"I got it… But the location is not stated."

"I see… It's because sometimes we did change the meeting location. But usually we will meet at the school hall."

"School hall?"

"Ne… There are a lot of members that's why we're using the school hall."

"Ooo… Then how about Dancing Club meeting tomorrow?"

"It'll be at the dance practice studio."


"How about another club? What is your another club?"

"Sports Club."

"Sports Club? Are you an athlete? Daebak!"

"Ani… I'm just doing sports for leisure." I try to cover up. Of course it is not okay if he knows that I never lose to anyone in arm wrestling. Not even to a guy. It used to be my proud, but because of this seducing plan, I can't believe I'm hiding my talent.

"Great then. Sport is good for health though. Sejeong-ah… I think I should add you to the Dancing Club and Singing Club chatroom so you won't be missing out any information."

"It's a great idea… I don't even think about it."

"So… Your number?"

"N… Number?" I know I shouldn't feel this, but did he seriously asking for my number? AigooHyung… You fell for me already, don't you? And what a cheap trick is this? Asking for the phone number for club purpose. You're no brave, man!

I think I smirked a bit when having the bad thoughts. I quickly fade out my smirk. I don't want to shame myself twice. The sketchbook incident already made me embarrassed like hell. I need to learn from my mistake. And I won't repeat it. "0XX-XXX-XXXX"

"Jamkkaman… Okay… Check it out! I added you into the group."

I check it and there are two new chatrooms. "I got it. Gomawo!"

"Ne… starting from now on, you can ask me for a favour whenever you need to. Well… I am your class monitor and I sit next to you..."

"Ne..." I give him a big smile.


Sehun's POV ;

"Sehun-ah… Where are you going? Are you going out for a date?" asked Kai who is sitting on my bed.

"What date? Don't be ridiculous."

"You use your perfume too much this whole room smell of it."

"Jinjja?" I put my nose at my sweater and I need to admit it.

"You are acting strange lately. What happened, huh?"

"Me? Strange? I think nothing is strange. Wae?"

"Ani… You're strange. You put on too much perfume, you even wear a sweater to attend the club meeting."

"W… What's wrong with that? I'm just wearing it because this night is a bit… chill." I started to stutter when I realized that I am actually wearing the sweater to look great. But I'm not sure to whom I want to look great on.

"That's not the only thing. You keep struggling on your hair for almost ten minutes now."

And Kai's words make me stop from brushing my hair. Kai is right. What's wrong with me? I usually brush my hair not more than one minute. "Kai-ah, am I too strange?"

"All this evening you just look at your phone, like, you know, waiting for a call. Sehun-ah… Are you having a yeoja?" Kai gives a curious look through my eyes that makes me turn to panic but of course, I try my best to act calm.

"Yeoja? Do I look like I have any interest in yeoja? I love myself too much to love any girl." I don't want him to know or guess about my feeling towards Sejeong. Even I, myself is not sure about it yet. I can't say that I fell for her or what yet. Well, this is just the beginning. I don't want to rush my decision. I'm just not that type.

"Ne… It's true… Yeoja often comes last in your priorities. But you sure act as you have liked someone. You sure you don't have any? You act strange lately though…" Kai leaves me, but I'm sure the curiosity doesn't leave him yet.

And now I think I am able to breathe normally.

To think of it… Yes, sometimes I can't even control myself. Staring at her so deep that I thought I could end up kissing her if I didn't come to my sense was the first case. The second case was patting her hair. I don't know what else my bare mind can do in the future.

Sorry for the late update. To all SeKai shippers, I'm trying to put more moments of them 😁😁 Put your hands up if you're SeKai shipper 🙌🙌

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