Ep 07 ; Part 3 - Hide

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Sejeong's POV ;

I purposely came quite early. Just to take some fresh air from the rooftop. After watching a great view of Seoul city from here, I sit on the bench, turn on my tablet and start to continue drawing my comic. I rarely draw as I'm busy with other matters. The dormitory matter and also the seducing plan matter.

I draw for about ten minutes before realising someone is sitting next to me. I stop drawing as Sehun is here already.


Sehun's POV ;

I see Sejeong is sitting on the bench so I take a seat just beside her. When she noticed me, she stops drawing on her tablet.

"Why stop? Go on... I want to see how a comic is drawn, " I say, looking at her drawing. And this reminds me of the judging scheme. I read it at my laptop yesterday.

"I'll finish this scene before we start our practice." She continues on with her drawing.

"When is the due date?" I ask, starting it in an unobvious way.

"20th April."

"So more than a month and a half?"


"What if I say, I know some things relating to art?"

And she pays her attention to me. Guess my tactic works.

"You do? Seriously?"

"Ne... Uri Appa teaches arts."

"Is he a lecturer?"


"So it's blood-related and the arts was passed to you from your Appa?" She lets out a light laughter and her eyes turn to a crescent shape. She also tucks her hair behind her ear, making my heart flutters. Why is she looks damn pretty today? I turn away my face to avoid looking at her because I'm afraid I can't control myself. I really want to kiss her like hell right now.

 I really want to kiss her like hell right now

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"Well... But I really mean it. I do know some important points in making a great comic." I don't lie. I read them yesterday and I memorize them.

"Really? What are they?" She seems excited. In a cute way.

"Of course, the main thing is you need to attract your readers. So, you need to set a great event of the story, great plot and make it suspense. Your drawing is important too but I think you draw well so it's not a problem. Shading. Shading plays a big role too. You can make your comic alive by playing with the tone, " I make a conclusion from the judging scheme I read yesterday. I want to help her and at the same time, I don't want to let her know that my father is the judge for that competition. I don't like it when people think that I'm using my Appa's power. For me, he lives his own great life, and I live the life worth my sacrifices. Moreover, I don't want anyone to take advantage of me. Not even Sejeong. I don't want that to happen so I decided to hide that in the first place.

"I love to do the shading the most! Have a look. Am I doing it great? But I just did it for the first scene." She shows me the first scene of her comic which she puts on the shading and it's fascinating.

"Great! Jinjja! I think shading is your talent!" I'm an honest guy. I said exactly what I think.

"But if you are entering a competition, the theme usually is important. What's this comic's theme?"

"It's about crime. I write a story about a detective. But the required theme is love so I try to put some love scenes for the protagonist and the guy. But I suck in love. I never fall in love before and I never knew what people do when they fall in love as I'm from all-girl school, " she says, dishearten.

What should I do? I really want to help her but I'm also lack of experience in this kind of thing. "As you are here now, you can observe the people around you. Most of the students here have dated already, you know? But there's not many in our class as we're all only just seventeen. But trust me there'll be new couples from time to time." That's the only thing I can tell to help her.

"Momo and Kai stopped from kissing when I saw them on my first day here so I don't think I want to repeat something like that again..." she sighs at the end of her words.

"You shouldn't observe them. They are exceptional. They are... They are quite... Can I use the word dirty?" I have no intention to talk bad about my friend but it's just the truth.

And she laughs. "They are not dirty. I think the word is brave."

Her spontaneously joke makes both of us burst into laughter.

"It's okay, I'll try to learn from elsewhere." She says, maybe to ease me.


Sejeong's POV ;

I knew everything he told me. I knew his father is teaching arts. That's also the reason why I approach him. And now he told me about how can I make a great comic. That's one of my points for trying to steal his heart. I should be happy then. But why I don't? Instead, I feel sad.

As now I know I love him sincerely and not only because of the competition, I feel quite sad. I feel guilty. I don't know how to express this feeling, but I'm sure this is love. Yes, I love him. From the way I adore everything on him, the way my heart beats faster when I see him, the way I fell for his gentle side and also the way my heart hurts when he told me he has a yeoja chingu. Yeah, I don't want to recall that silly and embarrassing incident.

Today is the last day of the week. Also the last day of my mission. I should be confessing to him today. My plan was to make him as my namja chingu so I could use him as a cable to win the contest and also to learn how to love. And after everything end, I'll choose whether to stay with him or to leave him.

But now, I swear, if I get him as my namja chingu, I won't use him for anything. I also won't ask anything from him. I just want him to love me, as much as I love him. And I will never leave him no matter what happen.

I can't believe I could ruin my own plan just because of a guy named Oh Sehun. Even though that plan involved my future. You're actually not as tough as you think you would be when it comes to love, aren't you, Kim Sejeong-ah?

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