Rose Weasley

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Birthday: 16 May 2006

Patronus: Weasel

Amortinia: Rain, her grandma's cooking, the Ravenclaw common room (a mix of books and fresh paint from the students constantly redecorating their dorms) and Cinnamon(Scorpius).

Bogart: Dragonflies ruining her birthday which her family had forgotten about.

1.)Rose had red hair like her farther, it wasn't bushy like her mother's though but curly. Although from the end of her second year at Hogwarts through to Christmas in her third year she tried to have bushy hair like her mum.

"Rose?" She looked up from her book at her freind Bella. She was a blonde Hufflepuff in the same year as Rose. Bella had met Albus on the train in their first year and he had introduced them.

"Can I borrow your brush?" Bella asked, her hair was falling out of two plaits. "I appear to have left mine at hogwarts."

"Yeah, it's on my dresser"

"Thanks." Rose's chocolate eyes focused on her book again, however moments later she looked up again as Bella cried her name. Rose found it hard to not burst out laughing. Her friends usually straight hair had fizzed up causing her to look like a mad scientist.

"What have you done to your brush?" She cried although there was a tiny smile on her face.

Rose went silent and began reading again. "Rose?" She didn't look up but began to speak.

"Everyone expects me to be just like my mum, so I thought if my hair was bushy... So I cast a spell on the brush to make my hair frizzy."

"But Rose you don't need to be like your mum, your you, your different to her, you were put in Ravenclaw not Gryffindor, it makes you unique, like you always say the sorting is for a reason. Yours is to prove that your not like your mum or a typical Weasley, it's to show your different, that your you. You don't need to try to fit in as your mum, you already fit in as your self."

Rose looked up at Bella something bubbling inside her, urge to show people she wasn't like her parents, to show people she was different.

Rose leapt of her bed, snapped the brush in half and chucked it out the window. Bella stared at her shocked.

2.)Rose had lots of freckles. Although they were faint in her first year and darkened throughout her time at Hogwarts, It was something Scorpius picked up on the first time he met her, they reminded him of the stars.

4.) Rose was sorted into Ravenclaw upon arriving at Hogwarts.

"Rose Weasley." The small girl nervously approached the stool and placed the hat on her head. She found herself staring at the dark inside and jumped slightly as it spoke to her.

"Ah a Weasley. Your very courageous aren't you?"

Gryffindor then?

"Not so fast, I didn't say that did I? No, you don't have to be in Gryffindor to be Brave. Yes I think you'll suit a different house better."

Rose felt her heart sink, she wasnt going to join her cousins after all. Something she'd been dreaming of for years.

" Your quite ambitious and cunning. Slytherin Prehaps."

No! Rose thought, she couldn't go there her dad would disown her for sure.

"Are you sure? I think you'd do well there. Your not a typical Weasley, it would set you are part from your family, show your thirst to prove yourself."

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