Scorpius Malfoy

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Nicknames: Scorp, Scorpy, Stinksap (Rose)

Birthday: October 23rd 2005

Favourite Animal: Dragon

Amortinia: Rain (Wet Grass) and Rose (Books, Raspberries and Sponge cake.)

Boggart: Rose being anything but Rose or Rose in danger.

Patronus: Ferret

Friends: Albus Potter, Sam Warrens, Rose Weasley, Bella Warrens.

Cousins: Isabelle, Joseph and Daniel Flint.

1.)Scorpius secretly hated being an only child and often envied Albus and Rose of their siblings and cousins.

2.) Scorpius seceeded in becoming an Animagus, he almost gave his farther a heart attack when Draco discovered a ferret whizzing around the house and watched as it turned back into Scorpius.

3.) Scorpius was awful at Potions, his cauldron seemed to explode at his touch, he had to have private tutoring to pass his O.W.Ls.

"What have you done?" Rose screeched. It took everything Scorpius had not to burst out laughing, it was very hard not to when his worst enemy and, unfortunately, potions partner was covered in bright blue mush.

"Calm down Rosie." Albus said leaning over the bench behind to speak to them. "It's only a cure for boils, it won't do any harm."

Ignoring Rose's screech of "Don't call me Rosie!" before Scorpius could stop himself he'd said, "Yeah, don't worry Rosie Posie, it might get rid of some of those freckles."

"Shut up Stinksap!" She growled wiping the potion from her face and flinging it to the floor.

"Thats rich coming from you. Your the one that smells."


4.) Scorpius punched a girl 2 years older than him who called someone a Mudblood. He was terrified he was going to get punished but was wrong.

"Oi Mudblood." A Slytherin 5th shouted down the corridor at Leo Young, a Hufflepuff in Scorpius's year. Leo's best friend, a girl known for being reckless, fierce, and ready to fight anyone who insulted those close to her, had hardly reached inside the pocket of her robes before Scorpius had reached the slytherin and his fist collided with her jaw. "Don't you dare call anyone a Mudblood again. It's you who's got dirty blood going around criticising people who are better than you." The girl stared at him shocked and he walked off.


Scorpius opened the letter with trembling hands, he'd been starting to regret what he'd done. What would his farther say?

Dear Scorpius,
Professor Longbottom wrote to tell me what happened. I'm proud of you son. I'm glad your taking the right path, the one I didn't. Keep up the good work, any more trouble with her I suggest putting itching powder down her clothes it's an excellent Muggle Product and works well. If you feel the need to teach someone a lesson I suggest going to Albus's relatives, I hear they're excellent at that sort of thing.

Love Dad.

6.) When a boy pushed Rose down the stairs in her third year, Scorpius picked her up fired a jinx at the boy and walked her to Potions.

As Scorpius passed he glanced up to the top of the stairs at a heated argument but other than that took no notice of it. The owners of the voices weren't visible through the crowds shooting looks in that direction. Scorpius hurried on past aware that he was on the verge of being late to potions. A scream punctured the happy chatter and Scorpius, who's thoughts had been scattered, rushed forwards. The bundle of black, blue and red tumbled into his arms and clutching the shaking girl to his chest he whipped out his wand shooting a well placed bat-bogey hex at the culprit. The boy who'd been watching half terrified half anxious stumbled away.

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