Molly Weasley

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Nicknames: Molls, Moll


1.) Despite being closer in age into Fred, James and Louis she got on better with Dominique. Whenever the cousins met up they would spend hours talking.

2.) Molly loved to wear and restyle her grandmother's old clothes.

3.) She hated Quidditch but was excellent at it. She only played chaser in her sixth year because James forced her. She also quit halfway through the season.

"Please Moll!"

Molly spun around to face her cousin. "No! I quit James, I don't want anymore."

"You're only saying that because we're losing at the moment but we're going to win."

"No we're not James. I quit because I don't want to play. I hate Quidditch, I hate playing it, I hate watching it. I only joined the team because you forced me."

"You don't hate it. Your lying."

"Does this look like I'm lying?" Before James could do anything she'd whipped out her wand and set fire to her broom. Her Quidditch robes that lay on the bench were swept onto the floor and engulfed in flames. The nearby Quaffle soon joined followed by a lost beaters bat and a stray Chudley Cannons poster. She marched from the changing rooms a satisfied look on her face at James's horrified expression. It was the first time she'd seen him speechless.

4.) Molly made Head Girl and Prefect. She didn't except the role as Head Girl though not because she didn't want it but because she didn't want to draw anymore attention away from her sister. When she recieved the letter she wrote a reply straight away explaining. No one in her family knew, the only person she told was her Aunt Fleur.

5.) She spent a lot of time at shell cottage. The Weasley girls where split into two groups, the older and the younger. The older consisted of her, Dominique and Victoire and occasionally, when she was looking for advice, Rose, who flitted between the two. Shell cottage became her second home, she loved the beach, her favorite Aunt was Fleur who she got on well with and became her confident, she was close in age and relationship to Louis, Dominique and Victoire and Bill's jokes were a pleasant change from her fathers non-existent ones.

6.) Molly sometimes envied her sister.

"James! Fred!" Molly yelled at the top of her voice. She was in to much of a temper to notice the silent watching crowd or to hear her friends attempts to calm her down. "Give it back!"

"What are you going to do Molly Moo!" James shouted standing on the sofa waving her diary in the air. The use of that horrid nickname only made her even angrier. She launched herself at her slightly younger cousin but he didn't have it anymore. It flew through the air towards Fred. Laughing he raced of, she chased him before pulling out her wand. "Accio Diary!" Fred stumbled as the diary soared from his hand into her grasp. Stowing her wand away Molly marched off to her dorm her Diary clutched firmly to her chest. As much as she loved her family and Gryffindor it was times like this when she envied Lucy being in Ravenclaw and not having to put up with them.


"Rose!" Molly paused slightly before continuing, if Professor Digby wanted to talk to her he'd have to call her by her proper name. "Rox-! Lil-! Domi-! Ugh! Molly!" Irritated Molly turned around to face her teacher. Hating the fact that red hair might distinguish her from the crowd but not from her cousins. She hated being mistaken for her female family members. It was times like this that she envied Lucy for having dark hair and not being mistaken for their cousins.


Molly looked down at the exam question raking her brain for the answer. She thought of her parents disappointed faces if she got less than an E, She struggled out an answer on to the page. She hated the expectations of living up to her parents expectations. It was times like this that she envied Lucy for being the youngest, having an ordinary name and not having to live up to the expectations of being the oldest or living up to a namesake.

7.) From the amount of time Molly spent at the beach she learnt to sail, it was her escape from the expectations to her name, at 16 she came 3rd in a muggle sailing competitions. She loved the sea, no one was surprised when her patronus turned out to be a dolphin.

8.) When Molly left Hogwarts she gave Lucy a diary because Lucy was afraid she wouldn't have anyone to talk to Molly knew she was wrong, she had Rose. Molly sometimes envied the sisterly relationship Rose and Lucy had but when she saw how happy Lucy was she pushed away her own feelings and tried harder to be a better sister. Although she secretly knew she could never compete with Rose but she knew her sister still loved her no matter what.

9.) Molly hated Slytherin house, she thought they were all evil death eaters. That was until she fell in love with one. Danny Webb, a kind, caring and charming Muggle-Born. They met when Molly began as a trainee healer, he was also a trainee healer and her first patient. They lived a happy 4 years together before he proposed. A year and a half into the engagement he was killed in a potions accident.

"I'm ever so sorry!" Molly exclaimed gathering herself and bending down to pick up the split paper work. She stood and handed it to the cause of her fall. "It's quite alright," It stated, the voice deep. "It was partly my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going." Molly looked up at the young man, he was tall with broad shoulder and wore a trainee healer uniform as well. He brushed back a mop of dark hair and grinned down at her, his chocolaty eyes sparkling. "I'm ever so sorry!"Molly said again running a hand through her short hair and pushing her newly acquired glasses up her nose, she'd worn glasses on and off through out her teenage years, so had Lucy. The man brushed away her apology, "Honestly it's fine. I must get these to reception, see you around." She nodded and hurried off in the opposite direction.

"Weasley!" Molly turned to the healer in charge of her ward. "It's time to put of training into action, we have a new case, you shall attend to him, I'll watch and take over if things get out of hand." Molly nodded and felt a rush of nerves as she hurried across to the new patient. She pulled back the curtain and relaxed slightly as she saw it was the man from the day before. When he saw it was her he smiled. "You again?"

"I'm afraid so." Molly replied approaching him to asses his injuries. "I've never done this before so do forgive me if I hurt you."

"I wouldn't mind not when I'm in your hands. You seem capable enough." Molly blushed at the comment and was thankful of the fact that he couldn't see her face. "I'm Danny by the way."

Molly looked up from assessing his leg and smiled. "Molly." She glanced behind her to see the Head Healer of the ward watching her so turned back to assessing his leg. "Did you get those papers to reception?" She whispered turning to collect a bandage. He nodded.

"They got there fine, it was this morning's papers that didn't. I tried levatating them there since there was so many bit my wand backfired. It's always been a bit temperamental."

10.) Molly never met anyone else. She didn't marry but preferred to throw herself into her career eventually becoming head healer. She made both her parents proud but she knew they were disappointed that she didn't deliver them grandchildren. She left that to Lucy feeling that she should do something first.

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