Albus Severus Potter

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Nicknames: Al, Albie (James)

Birthday: 26 September 2005

Best Friends: Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Bella Warrens.

Friends: Sam Warrens, Ronald (Ronnie) Cook.

1.) Albus was sorted into Gryffindor upon arriving at Hogwarts despite his fear of being placed in Slytherin. In fact his siblings were more likely to go there than him.

"Potter Albus!" The hat dropped past the black haired boys eyes as he put it on.

"Ah another Potter. Not as easy to place as your brother are you? Hmmm, Where to put you, yes you'd do well in Slytherin, I can see you were afraid to go there but a Miss Warrens said you had to face your fear, she's right you know, I can't wait to meet her. Well you have faced your fear and your ready to go to Slytherin and for that I shall put you in Gryffindor!"

Albus couldn't believe his ears he felt sure he was going to go to Slytherin, he slipped into a seat beside his brother and watched the rest of the sorting.

2.) His worst subject was Divination and dropped out of it at the start of fourth year, like his aunt he hated it and thought Trewalny was an 'Old Fraud.'

3.) His best subject was Defence against the Dark arts and in his seventh year invented a spell that would draw a werewolf in the opposite direction to you, he thought about naming it the Lupin charm but changed his mind to the Greyback Charm because it stop reduces the risk of being bitten by werewolves like Greyback.

4.) Despite DADA being his best subject his favourite was transfiguration.

"So your the son of the famous Harry Potter!" Slughorn exclaimed sticking out his hand which Albus shook cautiously.

"Er yes."

"And your in Gryffindor as well I presume?c bus had barley nodded before Slughorn continued." Top of the class in Potions as well?"

"No Defence Against the Dark Arts."

"Father like son. Quire understandable after all he did. I wouldn't have expected your favourite class to be anything else."

"Um, No Actually." Albus began feeling truly uncomfortable and wishing his dad was anybody else in the world. "My - Er - favourite class is Transfiguration."

"Really?" Albus felt his cheeks redden as Slughorn fixed his intense gaze on him.

5.) Albus prefered hanging out with muggle - borns and muggles he felt less pressure to live up to being Harry Potters son when around then.

6.) He had a Crush on a Hufflepuff girl from the late second year to mid fourth year but she saw him as an extra brother. He fell in love with the Ravenclaw keeper Pippa Wood, during a quidditch match He kissed her under charmed mistletoe at Christmas of his sixth year. They started dating a month later.

Albus raced up the pitch he ducked under Rose's arm as it tried to snatch the Quaffle of him. He paused as he got to the goal post, he'd been trying not to injure Wood more than she already was, only a week before she'd dislocated her wrist after being pushed down the stairs. "Oi Potter, stop being a gentleman and knock me of my broom!" She shouted at him and he went for it, he threw it as hard as he could towards the far goal and scored. He could hear people cheering below and little did he know that professor McGonagall was taking a mental note to write to both their dads about the incident.


"Oi Potter!" Albus turned to see Pippa strolling towards him across the empty entrance hall, it was Christmas and everyone was either at home or outside having a snowball fight.

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