Roxanne Weasely

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Nickname: Roxy, Rox, Roxy Foxy,

Birthday: 30 November 2007

House: Gryffindor

Patronus: Lion

Best Friends: Lexi Jordan, Lily Luna Potter

1.) Roxanne was beater for Gryffindor with Fred and when he left Hogwarts her best friend Lexi Jordan replaced Fred as beater.

2.) Roxanne shared a Dorm with Lily, Lexi, and Sophie Warrens. They got on like a house on fire and most nights would be spent chatting, eating sweets and playing games in the dormitory.

3.) She loved pulling pranks especially on the unsuspecting Muggle kids in her neighborhood. Roxanne could pull amazing pranks that were just as good as her brothers and cousins and with the help of Lily or Lexi they were even better. Her, Lily and Lexi were the next Fred and James no one suspected.

"Are you sure about this Rox?" Lily whispered as they climbed over the fence.

"Course she is." Lexi replied her eyes shinning almost as much as Roxanne's.

"But there's loads of laws to do with Muggle baiting. Grandpa is always talking about them."

"Lighten up Lils." Roxanne replied before shooting across the grass and watching as the other two joined her. "This isn't muggle baiting, it's just...pulling a few harmless pranks on them."

"Right, I just don't want to go to Azkaban before we graduate." Lily said she usually enjoyed pranking people but not muggles she felt it was unfair on them. She looked at her two friends and smiled, she wasn't going to get caught, she was with Lexi and Roxanne, Fred and James got caught more than them. She giggled and crept along the edge of the house after the two.

"This one." Roxanne whispered stopping outside a window.

"You sure?" Lexi asked.

"Positive. I've been in this house uninvited more times than I've been invited." She turned back to the window and banged her fist along the bottom of the frame three times, the right, center and left. There was a short pause and then a Click. Roxanne slid the window up chucked her bag through making sure it landed on the floor and climbed through the window, pausing on the table directly below it to pull her shoes off before joining her bag on the floor. She watched as her friend and cousin did the same, Lexi nearly knocking over the vase in the process. Once they were all inside she led them through to the kitchen. Lexi wandered over to the biscuit tin and removed the lid. "Yum!Custard Creams!" She popped one in her mouth before tipping the rest in a container she'd brought and replacing them with canary creams.

"Spanner!" Roxanne said from her position beneath the sink. Lexi wandered over to her and placed one in her out stretched hand watching her questioningly.

"What are you doing Rox?"

"Putting this in their pipes." She replied holding out a small gadget before her hand disappeared again.

"What is it?

"A new gadget of dads. You put it right below the tap and when the tap is switched on it stops the supply of water and jams the tap. So they go tinkering to find out whats wrong and when they remove this water bursts out the end of the tap. See the plate in the sink? I've angled it so the water squirts all over the room."

"Couldn't you just turn the water supply off though?"

"You could but this means they have to work harder to find the problem." Roxanne stood wiping her hands on her jeans and put her tools back in her bag. "You done Lils?"

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