Fred Weasley

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Nicknames: Freddie,

Birthday: 5 November 2003

House: Gryffindor

Boggart: James dead. He'd seen what loosing his twin had down to George and he didn't want it to happen to him

1.) He was dark skinned with curly rusty colored hair, mischivious brown eyes and freckles, like everyone else in the family. He had an almost permanent crooked grin.

2.) Fred played beater alongside a family friend and then his sister, just like his Dad and Uncle.

3.) In his first year at Hogwarts Fred managed to send home a toilet seat, George never knew how but couldn't have been prouder.

George unwrapped the parcel his young son had sent him and tears sprang to his eyes, he felt pride rush through him like a river. On the lid was written Fred Weasley, the best prankster to ever live. Somehow George didn't think his son was on about himself.


"George what are you - oh." Angalina came up behind her husband who had just finished fixing the toilet seat over a portrait of the family onto the wall he had also added a photo of his twin on the inside of the lid. "Fred, sent it. Very thoughtful of him. I thought I'd put it here so he sees it when he comes home."

"Its Lovely." Angelina replied.

Nobody questioned why it was stuck on the wall, not at least if they had read what was written in it.

4.) Every Saturday George would walk to Fred's grave and talk to him, telling him about the week, all the things he'd missed out on. When Fred ii was 10, curious of where his father went every week he followed him. When George arrived at Fred's grave the next Saturday he discovered a bunch of flowers and a handwritten letter from Fred placed on the stone, he broke down crying. Fred ii emerged from his hiding place to comfort his father and they walked home together. From then on every Saturday a bunch of flowers and a reply to the news of last week were waiting for George.

5.) Fred took after his name sake and was an excellent prankster. James was his best friend and together they gave the Marauders and the Weasley twins a run for their money. They would spend hours planning and they hardly ever got caught.

6.) For a laugh Fred's middle name was George and when Professor McGonnagall saw the names; James Sirius Potter and Fred George Weasley written on the list of new first years she almost had a heart attack. She knew they'd both be attending but not at the same time, in the same house and same dormitory.

7.) Unlike his other cousins Fred ii never felt pressured to live up to his namesake because he knew it's what his dad needed. The only time he hated his name was when he saw it written on the Hogwarts War Memorial.

Fred Weasley.

He stared at his own name and shivered. He felt a chill rush through him almost as if a ghost had passed through him. He stared up at the starry sky his mind going to his uncle. He could almost feel him standing next to him. He hated seeing his name on a War Memorial, he felt as though it were predicting his death. He shivered once more and continued inside from his night's escapade.

8.) He deliberately failed all his OWLs except History of Magic and Divination which he got Os on. He received a great amount of lectures from his Aunt Hermione and Uncle Percy but his father couldn't have been prouder.

"Fred! James! Louis! Your OWL results are here!" The family game of Quidditch stopped. He flew to the ground followed by his cousins and half walked half ran towards the burrow where his Gramdma was waving three envelopes. She dished them out, James's was ripped open first and thrust into Molly's hands. "5 Os." She said looking at the sheet. "Well done Jamie!" He rolled his eyes at Fred as he was pulled into a hug. "Now you two, what have you got." Louis glanced across at Fred before opening the letter. A disbelieving grin spread across his face.

"Top Marks!" He said looking around at the family now surrounding them. "I got top marks!" He was swamped by mass of people, he and the results were passed around and when he emerged looking disheveled all eyes turned on Fred. Trying to hide his smirk he slowly tore open the envelope, looking up at the eager faces of his family. He read down the list already knowing the answer. With a sly smile he looked up, the family thinking he'd got top marks as well began to congratulate him. He stopped them. "I got an O in everything that is History of Magic and Divination." He watched as the news soaked into the faces before him. There was a stony silence broken by James clapping him on the back. "Well done mate, this calls for a party." He was dragged off by his best friend handing the letter to Lucy, the nearest Weasley.

9.) Every boy that Roxanne dated he made sure they knew what would happen to them if they ever hurt her. The day after they usually found itching powder in their pants or something equally as worse.

10.) When he left Hogwarts he opened a second branch of Weasley Wizard Wheezes in Hogsmeade and made another secret tunnel from the shop to the school. The second branch made just as much money as the original maybe even more.

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