Hugo Weasley

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Birthday: 07 March 2008

Favourite Subject: Care Of Magical Creatures and Divination

Worst subject: Transfiguration

Bogart: His chosen Family dead.

Amortinia: MacEwan farm, the Hufflepuff common room, His weasley sweater and Hazel (Raspberries and hazelnuts.)

Patronus: Polecat

1.) When he was sorted into Hufflepuff he was extremely upset. He'd sat crying silently on his bed, his new dorm mates surrounded him and attempted to cheer him up. A 3rd year Leo Young who had been passing and upon hearing a commotion inside entered and helped comfort him by taking Hugo and his new freinds on a tour of the common room, showing them all the secrets and the perks of being a Hufflepuff, he even supplied them with sweets and chocolate once he'd returned them to their dorm. After this Hugo didn't regret his sorting at all but loved his house that became his home.

2.) He became a reserve keeper for Hufflepuff in his second year and the keeper in his third year. When he made the team a party was held in the common room, a Hufflepuff tradition, it helped boost morale and acceptance.

3.) Hugo always go nervous before playing Gryffindor team because it contained quite a lot of his cousins. That was until he won the Quidditch Cup for Hufflepuff against Gryffindor who lost badly.

"The points stand at 190 - 10 to Hufflepuff, Potter speeds down the pitch Passes to Potter, who passes back again. She aims, throws and is that the snitch?"

Hugo was face to Face with Lily, they held a fierce glare before she threw and Hugo dived and kicked the Quaffle down the pitch, it flew into the hands of a Louis.

"Hufflepuff seeker is neck and neck with Gryffindor seeker."

Hugo ignored the seekers speeding below him and watched the Quaffle was passed to Bella to Leo back to Louis and through the Goal. No one seemed to notice though they were concentrating on the snitch. Hugo could see James face full of concentration and fear, he knew however caught the snitch Hufflepuff would win the cup.

"Seeker James Potter catches the snitch earning Gryffindor 150 points. Hufflepuff win. The points are 200 - 160 Due to Weasleys awesome save and Weasley's Excellent Goal. Well done Hugo Weasley for an Epic amount of Saves that one Hufflepuff the game."

As Hugo landed her felt himself being surrounded by cheering, he was being patted on the back and along with the rest of the team he was lifted onto people's shoulders and the swarm of Yellow and Black carried them inside.

Hugo grinned at Louis as they watched James loosing his temper at his team and a scuffle breaking out between them. "Hugo! Hugo!" He turned his head to see Rose racing to wards him. "Well done, you were epic!" The grin he couldn't wipe of his face spread. She ran of to congratulate Louis and comfort the Gryffindor giving him one last wave. As they reached the common room his Dorm mates were surrounding him and Alex was thumping him on the back. He'd never felt more happy in his life.

4.) Lily was his best freind. They lived next door and were as close as siblings accept they didn't argue as much. They did everything together. Even after they got separated by the sorting hat they remained best friends for their whole lives.

5.) His second best friend was a boy called Alex McEwan. He was the first one to comfort Hugo after his sorting and his sister Hazel was friends with Rose. They both had freckles and lopsided grins but Hugo had rusty hair, blue eyes and a long nose like his dad whereas Alex had hazel hair, a family trait, dark eyes and a big ears.

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