James Sirius Potter

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Nickname: J (Family), JP (Classmates), Jamie (Lily), Potter!

Birthday: 31st October 2003

House: Gryffindor

Quidditch Position: Seeker

Boggart: Lily being tortured and not being able to do anything.

Amortinia: The Quidditch Pitch, Fire Whiskey, Partchment, Hagrid's RockCakes.

1.) People often said James wasn't serious about his school work but he would always reply with a grin. "Don't worry my middle names Sirius."

2.) His first year as Quidditch Captain was a disaster, Gryffindor shamefully lost the cup. He along with the rest of the Gryffindor Potters and Weasleys weren't very Popular that year due to the fact that this was the team:
Keeper: Dominique. W
Chaser: Molly. W
Chaser: Lily. P
Chaser: Albus. P
Beater: Fred. W
Beater: Roxanne. W
Seeker: James. P

"Oi, team, up in the air. We've only got an hour before it goes dark completely." James shouted at the Gryffindor gathered on the pitch.

"Why can't we train when it's light?" Fred asked leaning on his broom.

"Because unless you want to skip lessons the other teams have booked the pitch using up all the daylight hours." He replied and turned to the rest of the team. "Come on, let's get flying."

"Wheres Molly?" Lily asked still on the ground.

"She quit, it was 'to stressful along with everything else' apparently."

"Well what about the reserve Chasers? Where are they?"

"We don't have any, anymore."


"Alice was busy tonight and I shouted at her telling her we weren't going to win if she didn't turn up for practice. So she quit. And the reserve team consisted of her as a Chaser, Finnigan as beater and Macclaggan as keeper."

"4 players short?"

"There wasn't anyone else to take the position!"

"No james, there were plenty players up to it but your just prejudiced and you big-headed brain only wanted people your friendly with."

"Thats not true Lily!"

"It is and you know it! You know what, I quit as well."

"No, Lily!" He landed with a bump on the ground and rushed towards her where she was leaving the pitch.

"Yes James. First years aren't meant to be on the house treams but me and Roxanne only got on because we're your cousins, they're were plenty of other people that could play to our standard but no. I quit James. I quit!"

She stormed of the pitch ignoring James cries. Lily felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Albus. "Please stay Lily, if not for James for me, we need you. We won't win if you leave as well. I can't score goals on my own."


"This is Silly." James shouted at the team. It was half time in a match against Ravenclaw who were winning by 50 points. "Roxanne beat a bludger at every player we need to wipe their team out, we're already to players short with Fred in the hospital wing and Molly quit. Dominique you need to defend your right goal more, Albus stop dropping the quaffle."

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