Lily Luna Potter

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Nicknames: Lils, Lilyloo, Lily sister (James)

Birthday: 10 October 2007

1.) Nobody crossed Lily Luna Potter when she was angry. She'd inherited the Evans, Potter, and Weasley tempers making her a force to be reckoned with.

2.) Despite their different personalities, Lily, Lucy, Roxanne and Hugo were unseperable. After Hogwarts they lived together for a time, the house was always an uncontrollable mess.

3.) To wake her Brothers up Lily would jump on them, usually resulting in James chasing her around the house.

A small girl rubbed her eyes open. She bounced out of bed and into the room next door. "Morning Al!" She shouted as she cannonballed onto his bed, her brother shot up in fright.

"Go back to bed Lil, it's to early to be up." He rolled over and tugged the sheets up.

"Fine!" She blew a raspberry at him, whipped the sheets of his feet and darted out the room.

"Wake up Jay Jay!" Lily launched her self on top of him.

"Oi Lily!" He shoved her off and she began bouncing up and down. He threw a pillow at her which she returned. "That's it Lils. I'm coming to get you!"

Lily leapt of the bed and sprinted out the room James hot on her tail. Down the stairs, around the kitchen, through the living room back up stairs into Albus's room. "Hey Lily get off!" The dark hair boy tried to tug back the pillow which had been stolen by his sister. He toppled backwards giving James a good aim at Lily. She squealed ducked past them and into their parents room proceeding to jump across their bed and hide behind it.

"Lily what are you-" Harry hadn't finished his sentence before his eldest son had leapt across him as well. "Owch James that was my knee."

4.) Lily adored James, he let her get away with anything, he would often help with her plans as well.

5.) Lily couldn't bare another year with out her brothers so boarded the Hogwarts express in Albus's second year.

Albus watched as the figures of his waving parents disappeared. He hung his head out the window waving back in return.

Harry turned to his wife the train out of sight. "Where's Lily?"

"I think she said something about going with Hugo?"

"Ah, well Ron said he'd meet us back at the house."

Albus looked into each compartment as he passed, he was searching for his brother. "I can't remember where he said he was going."

"Maybe your sister knows," Scorpius who was accompanying him suggested.

"Why would she know? She's with Mum and Dad."

"But isn't that her?"

"Nah, she doesn't start until - blimey it is what's she doing here." Albus slid back the door of the compartment they were standing outside of. "Lily! Your not meant to be here. You should be at home."

Lily's face tinged pink the first years she'd made friends with were all watching. "What are you going to do? You can't just chuck me of the train."

"I'm taking you to James." Lily just smirked as her brother grabbed her shirt and pulled her out the compartment. They found James a few doors down sat with Fred, Louis, Molly and Dominique.

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