Victoire Weasley

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Nicknames: Vic, Vicky, Toire, Wendy (Teddy)

Birthday: 2 May 2000

Patronus: Kingfisher

Boggart: Teddy dead, injured or in harm

Amortinia: Library, the Burrows kitchen, Icing sugar, wooly jumpers (Teddy) and leather (Teddy).

1.)Victoire took over the cooking from her Grandma Molly. She was the only one in the family that could cook like her.

"...And you add the eggs like so, give it a whisk pop it in the cake tin and slide it into the oven."

"Like this granny?" Roxanne asked looking up from her bowl of mixture.

"Yes like that Roxy. How are you getting on Victoire?"

"Victoire's doing great Granny." Lily said from Victoire's side where she was watching her older cousin bake. "Her's looks exactly like you described." She glanced over at Roxanne's lumpy and gooey mess.

"Yes I think your's is ready to go in."

"And mine?" Roxanne added hopefully and Molly couldn't help but chuckle.

"I think you need to stir your for a little bit longer Roxy." Victoire said kindly, smiling at the 7 year old.

"Oh, can you do it?"

"No, you do it. Like this see." She came around behind her and guided her as to how to stir it correctly.


"Cakes are ready!" The words had barely left Molly's mouth before Roxanne came bounding into the room followed by her eldest granddaughter at a slower and calmer rate.

"Can we try one Granny?" Roxanne asked bouncing up and down.

"No not let, you've got to let them cool." Molly replied sliding them onto a cooling rack.

"Oh. But they taste better hot."

"Yeah," Louis said coming into the room followed by Fred and James. "Let us try one."

"Certaintly not." Molly replied. In her attempt to shield the cakes from Roxanne and Louis she didn't notice James slip one from beneath her arm until he spat it out.

"Blugghh..." He exclaimed sticking his tounge out and closing his eyes in disgust. "What have you done to these? They taste horrible."

"Those are mine!" Roxanne glared at her older cousin and snatched the cupcake back. Still glaring at him, she bit into it and ate it despite her mouth getting burnt and how horrible it tasted.

"Victoire's are a lot better." Louis said and everyone turned to look at him stood with a light and fluffy cupcake in his hand.

2.) Victoire was the only one that could drive Teddy insane.

3.) Victoire read muggle books when she was feeling particularly lonely. She often dreamed of jumping in it them but once she'd found her Prince charming she only read them for the pleasure of reliving the memories.

4.) She often left her window open for Peter pan until Teddy climbed in through it and then it was left open for him.

"Teddy!" Victoire exclaimed casting an anxious glance towards the door. "What are you doing here?"

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