Teddy Lupin

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Nicknames: Ted, Teddy bear (Victorie)

Birthday: 10th April 1998

House: Hufflepuff

Boggart: The Potters graves besides his Parents.

1.)Teddy wasn't a morning person, James, Albus and Lily would hit him with a pillows to wake him.
Ooophh "Ow" Whack "Ow, Lily!" Teddy opened his eyes to see all three Potters above him, clutching pillows. He rolled over and imidiatly regretted it. All three began to hit him, "Stop! Hey! Stop it. Alright I'm getting up. Ouch what was that for James!" He said clutching his head as he sat up still being asulted. He swung his legs over the bed and only when he was standing did they stop, Lily having the final hit. He caught the clothes Albus chucked him, and the toothbrush James hurtled across the room almost taking his eye out. Teddy turned to see all three kids sat on his bed so he couldn't go back to sleep and all three of them still clutched pillows, reluctantly he retreaded to the bathroom.

2.)Teddy made a Prefect and Headboy despite the fact that he broke rules that the Weasley twins and Marauders would have been proud of. Nobody could prove it was him but they just knew. He was also the coolest and kindest Headboy since Bill. Pierced ears, blue hair, leather jacket, sly smile, knowledge of all the secrets of Hogwarts, the best times to steal food from the kitchens, knowing when the teachers patrol the corridors. He handed everything he knew about Hogwarts to his fellow students.

3.)In his last year with the encouragment of James and the Weasleys already at Hogwarts Teddy jumped of the astronomy tower with metamorphosised bird wings. Most of the school watched as the cool Head boy soared towards them. They were waiting to congratulate him when he landed and McGonagall was waiting to award him with detention.

4.)His favourite Uncle was Bill. Teddy didn't know why until he was a teenager. He realised its because he reminded him of his dad.

5.)When Teddy got into fights they were viscous fights, he went wild, feral and savage as he tried to cause as much damage as possible before he was pulled of.

6.) He was excellent at hide and seek, due to the fact that he could morph into others and because he had excellent hearing.

"Ha found you Albus, your out." James shouted at Teddy who laughed. "Your awful at hide and seek Albie."

"Thats unfair." Albus said appearing behind James, who spun around. "My hiding space was excellent."

"What? But!" The eldest Potter turned around confused but Teddy had disappeared again.


"Lily show your self." Teddy said to the empty room. He heard a stifled giggle. "I know your hidden under the bed."

The giggling continued, he lay on his stomach, pushed aside the boxes to reveal a small red haired girl. He caught her feet and dragged her out. "That unfair!" She puted putting her hands on her hips.

"Come on." He picked her up, "Let's go find your brothers. I think James is in your Farthers study again, he thinks we won't notice if he always hides in the same place."

"What about Alboo?" Lily giggled. Teddy stopped and listened. "Al is hidden there, Go get him." He put the girl down and she raced towards the long curtains, she yanked them away and hugged Albus who stood silently behind them.

7.) Despite the age gap, he and Victorie were best friends, they were inseparable from the ages of 1 and 3.

8.) Teddy went through a phase of hating his parents for leaving him, he would get irritable at any reminder of them, their names, photos, the bubblegum streak in his hair, his preference to raw meats. That was until Harry walked in on him changing his features to a more Weasley-Potter style. So when he went down stairs for dinner he found his Grand-mum and the Potters with different coloured hair and realised he already had a family even if they weren't related by blood.

9.) He and Victorie were the ring bearer-flower girl team of the Weasleys weddings. They attended each one and became quite experienced at it. So when the cousins were sucking up to the adults and being sweet Teddy and Victorie would whip out the photos to show who was the favourites.

10.) Teddy started a tradition of a snowball fight between the Potters on Christmas Eve. It was always James and Albus against him and Lily.

11.) He loved Victorie with all his heart and would do anything to protect her and make her laugh. He first kissed her when he was 15 and she 13, they began dating when he was 17 and she 15. To no one's surprise they did marry Teddy at 23 and and Victorie at 21, he proposed when on holiday in the Lake District together.

Teddy grasped Victorie's hand as they listened to Uncle Harry's speech. The room was filled with people, everyone had wanted to come to the fairy tale wedding. Teddy's hair began to turn the same colour as his face as he tuned into what story Harry was saying. He gazed at his new wife, her cheeks had tinged pink but she was still watching his Godfather. She turned to him smiling. "Shall we escape?" Victorie whispered in his ear. Teddy looked around the room, no one was paying any attention to them at the moment. He could see James looking smug at his role in the story. "Yeah." He grabbed her hand and whisked her out the tent.

"Did anyone see us leave?" Victorie asked as they ran through the Meadow, bringing back memories of escaping the cousins when they were little.

"Only Grandma Molly." Teddy lifted her of the ground and spun her around, the sound of her laughter warming him up. He placed her back on the ground and kissed her forehead. Stuck in their own little world they didn't notice Lucy hidden in the long grass, clucking away on her camera, collecting memories for the happy couple.

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