Lucy Weasley

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Nicknames: Luce, Luce Luce, Lulu, Lu

Birthday: 17 April 2008

House: Ravenclaw

1.) She loved the rain. She loved to run outside barefoot with no coat and dance and sing. She loved to go flying in it. She loved to stomp in muddy puddles listening to the sound it made in the umbrella. She loved every bit of it.
"It's raining again!" Molly moaned glancing through the glass from her position in the window seat.
"Really!" Lucy shot up, discarding her book and sped across to her sister. She pressed her face and both her hands against the glass before dashing from the room. Moments later the front door could be heard being slammed shut and Molly watched as her sister spun around the garden, her face angled towards the grey sky and her arms out stretched.

"Lucy!" Lucy stopped and looked towards the front door where her mother's head was visible. "Come in you'll catch a cold out there!"
"But it's lovely Mum!" She said opening out her arms again and twirling around. Audrey looked at the grin on her daughters face and her mind changed. "Fine! You can stay out there but put your coat, wellie boots on and get an umbrella!" She leapt aside as her daughter rushed passed her and in a whirlwind was back out in the rain.

2.) Lucy wasn't very popular. Besides her cousins her only friends were the Scamander twins and Cassandra (Cassie) Boot.

3.) Lucy was the baby of the family. She was the youngest to Hugo by 1 month and 10 days. James teased her mercilessly about it. There were a fair few cousins in between her and Molly in age since Molly was older by 5 years.

4.) Although she adored her older sister she also envied her.

Lucy tugged at her dark wavy hair, she watched as her reflection did the same. She scanned herself in the mirror, pale skin, tall skinny frame hidden beneath her over sized woolly jumper. She leaned towards the glass, running a finger down her nose. There were a few freckles scattered across it. 25 in fact. She'd counted them, she'd attempted to count her other family members as well but discovered it was impossible. The only person who had less than her was Albus with 14.

Lucy sighed and moved her face away from the mirror. She thought of Molly and wished she could be like her, a popular, red haired Gryffindor not a shy awkward Ravenclaw. She often wondered how she'd ended up in the smart house. Molly was much more intelligent than her, she got high grades easily whereas Lucy had to work hard, studying for hours. Molly could just turn up at the exam and get an O. Maybe, Maybe its because she's the nicer better, truer Weasley out of the two of us. She thought. Maybe they delibriatly give her good grades because they prefer her better. When someone say's Percy's daughter they instantly think of her. Lucy looked up at the mirror once again and gazed at her eyes, the only thing she like about her appearance. They were a deep, sparkling blue, they reminded her of the sea outside Uncle Bill's house.

5.) Her favorite:

Uncle was Ron, she could talk for hours to him, he listened to all her woes about being the youngest and sympathized with her. Secretly she liked to think they had their own club called Youngest Only. She never counted her Aunt Ginny because she was the girl, she didn't get hand me downs or get compared to her older siblings.

Aunt was Angeline, she was cool, trendy and funny. She always made a point to ask Lucy about her day or week when they met and paid more attention to her than Molly (Something Ron didn't do even if he did sympathize with her.) Lucy admired her ability to keep her house standing and stay calm since she either had Fred and James, Roxanne and Lily or George experimenting with pranks and jokes.

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