Dominique Weasley

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Nicknames: Dom, Domi, Q-Q, Kee-Kee

House: Gryffindor

Best Friend: Trixie Longbottom

Patronus: Thesteral

Boggart: Trixie and Louis dead.

Quidditch Position: Commentator, Keeper (7th year & at the Burrow.)

1.) Dominique made her father learn french. Bill only agreed to it so he could understand what she was saying when they got in arguments. Domique suggested it to see the look on Victorie's face when she discovered that she couldn't swear in french in front of her father.

2.) Her best friend was Trixie (Beatix) Grace Longbottom. They knew who the other was before they arrived at Hogwarts but it wasn't until they arrived at the school and were both sorted into Gryffindor did they come friends. They hit it off right from the first night. They were both rebels. They didn't prank people like James and Fred although they did have their fair share of pranks, they preferred to bunk of school and go exploring or do something insane.



"Your Dominique right?"

"Yes." Dominique nodded. "I am they one and only, the amazing Dominique!" She said standing up and making a great swooping bow. "Or as everyone calls me Dom."

"And of course," Trixie began barley holding in her laughter. "Dominique the Great. You will have heard of me! Trixie the Trixter and my sibilings. Alice from the Grand Palace. Crankie Frankie Saint Fart-alot and of course Moody Ruby!"

"It is a pleasure to make your aquantance." Was all Dominique could manage before they burst into laughter. After they had stopped laughing they finished off the evening with a game of snap using George's Extra, Ultra Exploding Cards causing them to set fire to Trixie's bed.

3.) Dominique and Trixie had a tradition of dying their hair colors to match each year. In first year Trixie turned her hair the same shade of red as Dominique. In second year Dominique died her hair dark brown to match Trixies. Third year they had light brown, fourth year they darkned it slightly and dip dyed it light blonde, fith year they did they went to black, sixth year they went blonde with pink, purple then blue streaks, seventh year they did it in true Gryffindor style and to match the colors they did dark red dip dyed gingery blonde.

4.) Dominique broke every rule in the book and managed to get away with it. It became like an addiction. Not even James could compete with her (Although he did try.)

5.)She played drums in a band, it consisted of her Trixie and 2 Gryffindors boys and a Ravenclaw boy. Fleur and Grandma Molly almost had a fit when she found out but her Dad found it cool and Her siblings supported her (Although Victoire couldn't see why she wanted to be in a band.)

"Where have you been?" Louis hissed keeping up with Dominique as they crept back up stairs.

"Band." Dominique said glancing down the hallway before creeping up the stairs as she undid the red and gold scarf from her neck. "Thanks for letting me in by the way."

"No Pro-" He was cut short as the light switched on above them. "-Blem."

"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Molly Weasley appeared around the corner, wand in her hand and a murderous expression on her face. Dominique gulped. Even in her nightgown and slippers with her hair flying everywhere she still looked formidable. "NO IDEA WHERE YOU'VE GONE! YOUR BED EMPTY! COAT MISSING! YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KIDNAPPED!"

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