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Luna sat in her room staring at the wall

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Luna sat in her room staring at the wall. Under her eyes was puffy and red. Her hair was a mess, her makeup was a mess. She looked what she hasn't looked in months, broken.

The girl looked at her phone to see a group call notification with Lu and Carla.

"Hello?" Luna answered.

"This new girl has like 36,000 followers."

"Wait, what are you going on about?" Carla asked the girl.

"My god, Carla, what are you on? I'm talking about the new girl." Lu sassed the girl.

Luna just let out a laugh, "What's her name again?"

"Cayetana. How do you guys not know about her? Are you never on instagram, she made sure everyone knew she starts at school today. With all hashtag, Las Encinas." Lu rambled.

"I'm gonna go, I'm so not in the mood for this. Luna, you shouldn't be either." Carla told the girls, Lu was confused about the last part but Luna knew exactly what she meant.
"Oh no, I need this. It will distract me from what happened to Christian." the girl looked at her laptop and saw a photo of her,

"We have nothing to worry about, we are so prettier than her." Luna concluded with a smile shocking Lu.

"The sweet Luna George, being a bitch? I'm pro-" Lu started only to get interrupted by her brother.

"Luna, I got to go. Love you."

"Okay, see you later. Love you too."

Luna got up from her bed and went to the bathroom to do her routine when she got a message from her mother, they are coming home in a couple weeks, lovely.
The girl arrived at school, and walks over to her best friends.

"Ew, i've been followed, does she think i'm going to follow back? Who does she think she is? She's already taken seven selfies since she got to school, you know what she reminds s of your crippled Christian Grey." Lu laughs to the girls, Carla and Luna both looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Really, Lu?" Carla asked, unamused.


"You could show a bit of fucking empathy." Carla spats at the girl, clearly not in the mood.

"Okay, it's too soon to joke about the damn cripple. Got it."

"His name is Christian, okay?" Carla snapped at the girl. Luna just standing there, not knowing how to act, Luna's silence also pissing Carla off.

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