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"I'm so sorry we have to discuss this again, Luna." The detective smiled at the girl.

"Why am I here? I never talked to Samuel." The girl questioned.

"Yes. But you have had a bad encounter with Nano, correct?"
"Yes, but I moved on. I didn't do anything detective. If anyone is at fault it's you. You are the one who couldn't do your damn job so the same shit keep happening." The girl snapped.

"Where were you the night of the gala?" The detective asked the girl ignoring what she said.

"With my brother. I had just broken things off officially with Polo. I needed his comfort so he was there." Luna told the detective.

"Can I go now?"

"We will be in touch, after one more question." The detective dismisses the girl.

The detective pulled out a tablet and showed the girl, it was the morning Polo had tried to kill himself.
"Do you know why your ex boyfriend did that?"

"If you're trying to link something it won't work. He struggles with mental health as do I. Sometimes you just feel better off dead. Him and I talked, he's better now, it won't happen again."

Luna glared at the detective, tears clouding her vision, she doesn't want to remember that day, ever.

"You can go now." The detective pointed to the door, Luna just shot her a small smile before leaving.

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