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Luna had woken up to several messages from Lu and Carla

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Luna had woken up to several messages from Lu and Carla.

Someone had posted the video of Luna and Rebe. That someone for sure being Cayetana.

Luna was walking in the halls when she saw Cayetana with a smug smirk on her face.

Luna walked up to the girl, everyone staring and whispering about the blonde girl.

"What the hell, Cayetana?" Luna shouted at the girl shoving her.

"Oh sorry, just thought everyone should know about the perfect blonde being a complete dyke." Cayetana shrugged.

"No! You just wanted the attention off you. You fucking bitch!" Luna yelled at the girl.

Polo had seen the two girl arguing so he made his way over there holding Luna back.

"Oh! Polo Benavent holding his little bitch back!" Cayetana shouted.

"You know what? You can have him!" Luna shouted before walking away.
Luna had taken her spot by Polo.

"So now you're giving up on me?" The boy asked the girl.

"Never." The girl told the boy causing him to smile.

"Everyone thinks i'm a full on lesbian. But Guzmán amd Nadia's video is getting more attention. I don't know if that makes me sad for them or happy for myself." The girl frowned at the boy.

Polo took her hand giving it a kiss.

"I'm here for you, forever and always."

The two than began their exam, their eyes kept looking at eachother.

Rebe just kept looking at the two with disgust and jealousy.
Luna had been sitting by Lu, when Lu kept harassing Cayetana.

Polo had walked over, "Lu that's enough!"

"Polo! If you ever need someone to clean your house, I found you a girl!" Lu laughed.

"If you don't mind, I'm speaking to my friend!" Polo snapped at the girl, angering Luna.

"So you're friends with the girls who released my sex tape, that I gave no permission for. What is that called again? Oh yeah, child pornography. You're lucky i'm not pressing charges or having your life destroyed. Oh wait, your life is already a joke." Luna spat at the girl, causing Lu to look at her and wipe away a fake tear,

"I've raised you right."

Polo looked at the girl with wide eyes,

"Luna!" The boy scolded.

Luna just rolled her eyes before starting a conversation with Lu about her aunt and Polo started talking to Cayetana before she left.

Luna walked over to the boy.


"She was expelled, Luna. Please talk to Ander's mom." Polo pleaded the girl.

"No. Rebe won't even talk to me. Everyone thinks i'm some dyke. My family has seen the video, my grandparents told me they want no part of me. Other than my Aunt they were the only family I had. She ruined my life, and I wish nothing more but the same for her." Luna told the boy before walking away.

Polo just put his face and his hands, cursing at himself.

He knew what he was about to do could lose Luna forever, but he grew very fond of Cayetana.

She became a best friend figure, and he didn't want her life to fall apart, like his has the risk at.
Luna has been sitting by Polo, when the detective cane in to talk to them.

She confirmed Samuel is now missing, there would be a search party for the boy.

Luna just looked at Guzmán, and the boy gave her a look indicating he has nothing to do with it.
Luna had been at her home when her Aunt walked in to her room.

"I know something awful has just happened. Many things but we need to talk."

"What is it Aunt Katherine?" Luna asked her aunt looking up from her book.

"Your parents have written and made it a legal issue. Your sister has a choice to move to the best boarding school in New York or too come with me to California."

"What? I've taken care of her a majority of my teen hood. And they die and take her away from me?" Luna asked her Aunt.

"I know. I've talked to her before coming in here and she wants to live with me." The woman told her niece.

"Than so be it. It's probably best for her anyway." Luna shrugged.

Her Aunt just gave her a kiss on the forehead before leaving the room.
Luna just stared at her wall, anger fuming in her bones.

The girl threw her book against the wall before flopping on her bed and staring at the ceiling.
Luna was sitting in between Guzmán and Polo.

Carla on the other side of Guzmán and Ander has danced his way over to the group of friends.

Luna was holding champagne in her hand when Polo asked about Lu.

Guzmán had just told the boy she was faking it to avoid seeing Guzmán.
Luna had been sitting on the couch when she saw all of her friends get up.

Luna had just sat there drinking when Ander started dancing in front of her. Luna just smiled at her friend before she saw him pass out

. The girl ran up to him as well as Omar.

"Ander! Ander! Someone call an ambulance!"

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