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The girl watched her boyfriend talk to Caye

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The girl watched her boyfriend talk to Caye.

She than received a notification.

He had added her to the group chat.

The girl makes eye contact with him before walking away.

The boy frowns at his mistake. Before Caye walks away he grabs her wrist very lightly,

"This is as friends. I'm in love with Luna, nothing could change that."

The girl just smiles and nods before walking away.
Luna was in her room, doing her makeup for the halloween party.

She's going to make Polo go crazy. She just knows it.

The girl sees her sister, "Have fun tonight. Enjoy time with Reba, okay?"

The girl just nodded.
Luna walked in too the party. She went as the joker. well a sexy joker. Her costume was very revealing and she knew it would drive Polo crazy. Luna was standing by the door when she saw Polo arrive, and she saw him open the door for Caye. The girl glared at the two.

Polo had seen his girlfriend and walked over to her.

"You look breathtaking." The girl just smirked and came face to face with him, being sure to rub her crotch to his, "I'm sure mrs.kennedy could disagree."

"You are the one who told me to go with her." The boy muttered.

"No. I told you to go as friends. Not as a married couple." The girl kissed her teeth, "Now i'm going to have fun. Enjoy your wife."

The girl winked before walking away, being sure to sway her hips.

As soon as she entered the basement she saw Rebe.

"Who's the princess now?" Luna smirked at the girl.

Rebe just laughed at the girl, "My mother made me put on this disgusting costume."

"I like it you look good. But it would look much better on your bedroom floor." the girl smirked before walking away, leaving the girl stunned, and extremely turned on.

Rebe had looked too see Polo and Cayetana in matching costumes, so that's why Luna is being weird.

The girl thought to herself.

Luna was standing by Polo, "Are you really going to say nothing?" Polo asked his girlfriend.

The girl just looks at him than looks back at the dancing people.

"Come on Luna, talk to me." Polo pleaded the girl.

"You came with her. You know she's into you." Luna told the boy, tears clouding her vision.

"Come on Luna. I told her this is as just friends. You told me to go with her."

"I'm going to dance. Go dance with your lovely wife." The girl kissed his jawline before walking off.

The girl was dancing when she saw Polo leave.

The girl walked out and saw Ander and Polo by the pool.

They were listening to Guzmán's message.

"What the hell do we do?"

"We find Nano before he does." Polo told the boy.

"Guys..." Luna grabbed the boys attention.

"What?" Ander asked the girl.

"Maybe let him." The girl told her friends, clearly drunk and drugged.

"What the fuck, Luna?" Ander asked the girl.

"Leave her be, she's clearly not sober." Polo defended his girlfriend.

"Luna, leave." Ander told the girl.

"Fine, assholes." Luna left, she decided to go outside.

She sees Nano, "Hey you piece of shit! Get out of here!" The boy looks at the girl,

"You act all innocent, I saw your reaction. There was none. Marina told me about the pretty blonde who had Christian, Polo, and Guzmán wrapped around her finger. How you are such a bitch to her, she always called you out for your shit."

"Shut the hell up Nano!" The girl warned the boy.

"She called you out, you got angry and you killed her!" The boy spat in her face.

"No! Come near me again and I will be sure you are the next to die!" Luna spat in his face and turns around, only for him to grab her.

"You and your pretty friends will go down. I will be there to laugh in your faces." The boy spat before walking away leaving a stunned Luna.
Luna had seen Polo talking to Cayetana.

The girl stood there, and she saw her kiss him.

When the boy pulled away he had kissed her back.

The girl just stood there. She than made a loud noise so she could catch their attention.

Polo's eyes widened. The girl walked away and he followed her.


"Fuck you. You made a promise when you gave me this ring. I let you and Carla slide. With hope maybe it won't happen again."

"Luna, please. Don't do this. Don't leave. I love you." The boy pleaded.

"And I love you, but I can't be with you. We aren't ready." The girl told the boy.

She looked at her finger too see the ring,
"Have this. Give it to the person you do love. And if that person is me like you say, give it to me when you are committed."

The girl said walking away.

Luna had walked up to Rebe, "Woah princess what's wrong?" the girl asked.

Luna kissed her.
"I've been wanting to do this for too damn long." Luna smiled at the girl.

"You and me both, princess."

Rebe took Luna's hand, bringing her to the bedroom.

Rebe kissed Luna and started making her way down her neck.

The girl took off Luna's clothes than her own.

"I'm going to make you feel way better than Polo ever did."

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