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Luna started at her brother shocked

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Luna started at her brother shocked.

"You're home early, Ceaser."

"Wanted to surprise my two little sisters. Although one seems to be not home. And we seem to have no help at our home." The boy told the girl before biting into one of the apples.

They have a bowl of fruits on their coffee table in their living room, good decoration and good easy get to snack.

"Nina has been spending time at Rebe's, it helps her cope. Mother nurse got an amazing offer close to her home, and I've been too busy to look for new help." Luna shrugged at the boy.

"So have you burned Mom and Dad's bodies yet?" The boy questioned the girl.

"I had them do it in the area they died. Once their immediate families arrive, we will do as they say. Than a big gathering with family and friends, it's what they asked." Luna told her brother.

Before going to her kitchen to grab a cookie.

"I need to go upstairs and send the invite to my friends." Luna told the boy before making her way upstairs.

"You haven't told them yet?" Ceaser asked the girl with wide eyes.

"No, I haven't." The girl said before walking away.

The girl arrived to her room and sent the invitation to her close friends.

Those being Valerio, Guzmán, Polo-although she wasn't too fond of the idea he knew her parents well and it was only right, Lu, Carla, Rebe, and Ander. She told Ander he could bring Omar if he wanted. She also made it crystal clear that Cayetana is to not come.

The girl than turned off her phone, not wanting to deal with the pitty or frustrations that she didn't tell them sooner.

Luna got out her book and read until she fell asleep.
Luna had been walking too her locker when Guzmán walked over to the girl.
"Why the hell did you not tell me or my parents? Our fathers are business partners for crying out loud." The boy spat at the girl angrily. Polo walked up to the boy,

"Hey, relax on her! She just didn't want to burry more stuff on you!" Polo told the boy. Guzmán just scoffed before walking away.

"I don't need you to save me, Polo." the girl scoffed before walking away.
Luna had gone to Ander's after school. She couldn't take it any more she needed to tell someone everything.

The girl turns to her side, staring at the brunette boy, her best friend. "Ander, I saw Polo kill Marina." the girl cries.

"He was protecting me. She said these nasty things. She hit m-me, she hit P-polo. You know he struggles with so much, he didn't mean too, Ander. I tried, I tried helping her."

"I know Luna. Hey it's okay, i'm going to give you and Polo a chance to do what's right, what ever you think that is, I won't ever turn my back on you. okay?" the boy gives the broken girl a sad smile.

"Now tell me about you and Rebe." the boy smirks, causing the girl to frown, because just like last year she has no idea what she wants, but as always she does know, she won't let Polo go down, she will protect the boy who owns her heart, even if their love became toxic and painful, after a wonderful summer together.
Luna had stayed home to get everything situated for the gathering later in the evening.

She had regretted telling Ander everything, she felt it was selfish, but she just didn't know what to do. The girl's grandparents had arrived, with her aunt.

She only had one aunt, her mother's sister. Her father was an only child.
The girl smiled at her aunt, "Hey aunt katherine." The girl hugged her.
The family chat a bit before the gathering.

She saw her friends arrive. Rebe had brought Samu, something the girl allowed.
Ceaser had been flirting with Rebe all night, causing the girl to feel jealous. The girl just ignored it and kept talking with her friends before everyone had to leave.

Polo stayed with the girl to help.

"Caye is having a charity dinner. You should come." The boy told the girl.

"Okay." the girl shrugged.

Polo immediately smashes his lips against hers, the girl kissed back.

The two walk to her room, "One time." Luna told the boy.

"One time."
Luna was at her locker when Polo
came up to her.

"I know this isn't the right time, given we just had sex, last night. My mom's don't know we broke up."

"So you are asking the same Guzmán asked Lu?" Luna asked the boy.

"Not exactly, I want us to go, together. For real." Polo told the girl.


"She's just my friend, please." The boy pleaded.

"Okay." the girl shrugged before walking away.

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