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Luna had been sitting by Polo and some other people discussing their christmas plans when Carla had walked up to the group,

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Luna had been sitting by Polo and some other people discussing their christmas plans when Carla had walked up to the group,

"I can't do this anymore. I'm so sorry."

Polo and Luna look at each other, fear taking over their faces. The two chase after her.

"What are you doing?" Polo asked grabbing Carla.

"Carla, please don't do this to him." Luna begged her friend. Carla looked at the girl,

"Don't worry, I made a promise to Christian and Polo that if I broke, i'd leave your name out of it. I keep my word but I never promised the same for Polo because I thought I could do it, but I just can't." Carla told the two before walking off.

Luna just hugged Polo, not knowing what else to do.
Luna was standing at her locker when she saw Polo at the stairs, the girl made her way over there only for Cayetana too get there first.

The girl just walked away.

"I can't believe I'm back!" Cayetana smiled at the boy only too see a broken expression in his face.

"What's wrong?" the girl asked the boy.

"It's over. My life is over. It was an accident." Polo told the girl tears running down his face.

"Do they have any evidence?"

"It's close to the shore. It won't take them long to find it." Polo told the girl.

Cayetana looked at him, "I'll take care of it. I like you a lot Polo, and I know you are in love with Luna, and what I did to ruin your relationship and to destroy her is terrible, and yet you're still such an amazing friend. I'll do this for you, and for her. An apology and thank you. All at once." Cayetana smiled at the boy before getting up to rid the trophy from where it is.

Luna had walked out of the bathroom and had stood by Ander. She saw the detective walk by them.

Luna saw Polo, standing there waiting for the arrest.

The girl had tears running down her face at the scene.

Polo had looked at the girl who he loves, and she gave him an assuring smile.

The girl looked at Guzmán to see his eyes bloodshot red.

"Guzmán..." Ander breathed out to the boy.

"You knew...?" Guzmán asked his friend. Ander said nothing.

"Next time you faint, I hope you smash your head open and bleed to death."

Luna looked at the boy, "Guzmán!"
Only for the boy to look at her, "You too?" The boy scoffed.

The girl looked at him and nodded.

"Next time you have one of your mental breakdowns, I pray you cut a vein open and bleed to death just like my sister, just like I hope
for Ander."

The boy spat in the girl's face before walking away. Leaving Luna and Ander to just stare blankly at the wall with tears down their face.
mentions of self harm
Luna went home.

The girl went to her dresser and grabbed the piece of glass she has used in the pass and did what Guzmán had wanted.

The girl just stared at herself his wish didn't come true, but maybe it will. She deserves to be in jail too.

She deserves to be dead. That's all that ran through her mind.

But she knew one thing, she would try to make up for all the pain she had cost, she just had too.
mentions of self harm done
The girl was sitting across from Polo. It has been two weeks since his arrest.

Her family had gone to America, bringing Nina with them.

Ceaser decided to stay, so the girl could stay as well, he isn't a minor meaning, he could legally "take care" of the girl.

Polo was leaving where he was being held in a few days, the girl had visited the boy nearly every day.

"Polo, baby, please don't come back to Las Encinas, you saw how Guzmán treated Samuel when he thought it was his brother who killed him, he will murder you, Polo." Luna told the boy.

Polo looked at her, "You know what I want? To graduate this school, to live our future, together."

"I want that too, but you know we can't be together, right now." Luna told the boy.

"I know. Look, I'm starving and it's feeding time, so I need to go, but I love you Luna."

"I love you too."
Luna had walked up to Cayetana. Polo had told her what Cayetana has done.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you." Luna smiled at the girl.

"No need too. I was such a bitch to you, do you think maybe we can start over?" Cayetana asked the girl.

Luna looked at her about to answer when her eyes drifted off to the stairs.

She saw the boy who owned her heart walking down the stairs.

The girl looked at the boy shocked. She had made her way over only for Rebe to hold her back.

"Trust me princess, you don't want to dig yourself a bigger hole."

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