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Luna had looked at her phone, to see 50 text messages, 5 missed calls, and 3 voice messages from Polo

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Luna had looked at her phone, to see 50 text messages, 5 missed calls, and 3 voice messages from Polo.

"Shit." the girl muttered realizing something could have been wrong and she was just sleeping peacefully, when her boyfriend clearly wasn't in peace. The girl clicked on the voice messages.

"Luna, I told Ander. I told Ander what happened. I'm so fucking scared, baby I don't know what to do." said the first message.

The girl just stared at her phone wide eyed.

She than clicked the second message,

"He doesn't know about you. But Luna, I need you. I thought I was strong, but I'm not, i'm never going to be strong."

The girl felt her eyes water, her heart shattered at the sadness in his voice, and she regretted letting Ander bring Polo home when she knew he was not in the right state of mind.

She clicked the third message, her finger shaking,

"I'm sorry for bothering you. You are probably sleeping. I love you forever and always, please don't be mad at me, and please text me when you hear these."

The girl just sat on her bed, feeling shocked.

"I love you too." the girl whispered to herself, "forever and always."
The girl was on her way to meet Polo and Ander. After she had texted him, he had told her Ander wanted to meet him, and he didn't want to face him alone.

Luna saw Ander waiting, she walked over to him

"What are you doing here, Luna?" Ander asked his friend.

The girl just gave him an annoyed look,

"Polo didn't want to talk to you alone." the girl shrugged.

"You know?" Ander looked at the girl with disbelief, how could she know, and not tell anyone, was the blonde girl really that selfish or just that in love with the raven hair boy.

"Yes." the girl shrugged yet again.
The two just stood there, an awkward silence taking over until Luna sees her boyfriend walking very quickly.

"Polo!" Ander shouts at the boy pushing him. Luna marches over to them, and separates the two.
"Don't fucking touch him, Ander."

The girl raised her voice at the curly hair boy.

"You're a selfish asshole! How could you even think of telling me that, huh? What do you want me to do? Keep this shit to myself? Polo, I can't. Luna, How could you?" The boy spats at the couple.

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