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Luna was sitting in a area with Lu, Guzmán, Carla, Nadia, Polo, and Ander

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Luna was sitting in a area with Lu, Guzmán, Carla, Nadia, Polo, and Ander.

She hears Lu call Cayetana over, They were talking about her dress. Polo came over with a drink for her, Ander, and himself.

Polo sat between Ander and Luna. Putting his hand on Luna's exposed thigh, kissing her, multiple times.
Ander looks at his friend,

"How are you doing?"

"I'm better than ever, kid. I mean shit, look at my girlfriend, how can I not be good?"

"I can see that." Ander smiled.

"How about a selfie, us three. We haven't taken one in a long ass time."

Polo asked but was more of a demanding tone.

The music was blasting, the teens were having fun, talking, enjoying eachother's company.

The boys had left to do their own thing leaving the girls and Ander to be sitting at their spot and were talking about usual girl stuff when Carla accidentally knocked champagne over, it getting on Cayetana's dress.

"Woah calm down. At least it's not a white party." Carla told the girl when she started freaking out.

Ander started to feel awkward and left,

Luna giving him a look and him just mouthing, "sorry"

"Of course you aren't worried about spilling things on you when you are wearing last year's dress." Lu scolded the girl.

"I have better things to do than spending my day thinking about what i'm going to wear." Carla fires back.

"Sure. You're too busy thinking about how to steal your clothes from the next starving person you want to fuck, right?" Lu told the girl.

"Lu, seriously?" Luna snapped, getting annoyed, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Lu asked her best friend.

"Away from your bitchy behavior." Luna gave the girl an innocent smile before walking away to search for her boyfriend.

Luna sees Cayetana talking to her boyfriend. The girl walks over, kissing him.

"Hey babe." the girl smiled.

"Hey gorgeous. I'm just buying the bottle for you girls, my treat." the boy smiled.

"I'm not sitting their anymore. I can't deal with it. But that's sweet of you." the girl smiled.

Polo has gone to look for Ander when Luna sees Rebe.

"You came!" Luna smiled.

"Of course I did. Who could turn down a party." the girl smiled.

"Clearly you didn't see the red part." the girl laughed,

"It's okay tho, you still look amazing." Luna smiled.

Rebe just looked at the beautiful girl, taking in every ounce of beauty she has, Rebe wanted to take risks, so the girl leaned in. Luna leaned in as well.

Their lips were barely touching when the blonde realized what she was doing.

"I- uh- I should look for Polo, my uh boyfriend." the girl was flustered, that gave Rebe the answer she needed,

Luna George was indeed intrigued just like she was.

"See you, princess." Rebe smirked at the girl, the girl blushed at her words before walking off to look for her boyfriend.

She's so into me, the girl smirked before looking for Samuel.
Luna had looked everywhere for Polo, when she decided to check the boy bathroom. She sees Ander and her boyfriend.

"Where have you been? I've been looking for you all night." the girl told her boyfriend.

"I'm sure you have, Luna." the boy said bitterly, the girl just sighed, knowing he was clearly upset and drunk, not a good mixture for Polo. Luna frowns,

"I'll bring you home."

"Luna, I can." Ander told the girl, "it's late and his house is on the way".

The girl just looks at Polo and he tells her that he wants the night alone anyway.

The girl walks over to her boyfriend and kisses him.

"I love you, forever and always."

"I love you Luna, forever and always."

What Luna didn't know was that night, Polo would confess everything, leaving out only one detail, leaving out the fact Luna George was there, because he would do anything to protect her.

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