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Luna had walked to her locker

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Luna had walked to her locker. Once she got to her locker she saw a photo of her and Polo.

"Please forgive me. I can't live without you."

The girl looked around her and saw her ex boyfriend standing there with pleading eyes.

The girl ripped it in half. Throwing it in the near garbage can.

The girl closed her locker, walking away.

The girl was in class sitting in between Polo and Carla.

The girl was as close as possible to Carla.

"When are you both going to report him?"

"He barely touched me." Carla told the boy.

The two boys looked at Luna waiting for a response, "All he did was grab my wrist." Luna shrugged.

"Are we waiting until he kills one of you before we go to the station?"
Guzmán asked the girls.

"Welcome to fucking reality, Guzmán. When a woman reports a guy it's her word against his. The most likely thing is that she won't be believed. Anyway, the last thing I want is for that bastard to go back to jail, even more pissed at Luna and I than before." Carla snapped at the boy.

"Why does he hate you both?" Guzmán asked.

"What?" Carla and Luna both asked.
"I mean, why did he go after you?"

"I was the first one he saw, and I guess Marina talked about me a lot." Luna told the boy.

"He went for all of us. I guess we were the easy targets. The girl walking home alone and the girl outside alone." Carla told the boys.

"Good Morning!" the teacher exclaimed loudly.

Luna sat by Polo, "Luna, can we please talk." The girl just looked at him.

"You are so unbelievable. You cheated." Luna told the boy.

"You slept with...a girl." Polo told the girl.

"Jesus christ Polo, you have two moms. I slept with her, after we broke up. I was upset." Luna told the boy.

"Do you still love me?"

"I never stopped." Luna told the boy.

Polo just smiled, "I love you."

"We can't be together, Polo. I just need time, okay? Can you do that? Just give me time to deal with all the shit i'm dealing with." Luna pleaded the boy.

"I will wait for you."
Polo was talking to Guzmán when Cayetana came in to talk to him about some date.

"He can't! He has plans tonight and a girlfriend." Guzmán told the two.

"Polo and I broke up." Luna informed the boy as she was sitting next to him.
Ander walked in and the boy's started singing the birthday song.

When the boys went over to talk to him Luna looked at the girl, "So you think you are a sudden couple?"

"Honey, you should stick with Narco barbie. Polo is so into me." Caye smirked.

Luna gave her a death glare, "What did you say?"

"I saw you kiss, and I saw some of the girl on girl action." Caye gave the girl yet another smirk.

"I can't deal with this right now!" the girl spat before walking away.

"What the hell did you say to her?" Guzmán asked the girl.

The girl looked at him innocently,

"Nothing. She just blew up at me. Must be jealousy."

Polo looked at the girl,

"I told you, I love Luna. We aren't anything but friends. I think i'm going to decline dinner." the boy said before getting up to look for the girl.

The boy saw the girl on the stares, crying.

"Luna?" The girl just got up.

"Please don't. Don't leave." The girl looked at the boy before dragging him into the locker room and making sure no one is there.

"Polo, my parents are dead. My family is coming up in a few days." The girl told the boy.

"Shit, Luna. Why didn't you say anything?"

"They always have been absent in my life. They always felt dead." The girl told the boy.

He took her head and lightly pushed it to him and hugged her.

"I'm not going out with Cayetana." Polo told the girl.


"Listen, you are my rock. I fucked up. I fucked up big time. Please, don't leave me." The boy than put his hands in his pocket and pulled out the ring, "You told me to give this to the person I love. I don't care if you throw it away, burn it, hide it. I'm doing as you said. I love you Luna Eclipse George." The girl looked at Polo, with admiration and tears in her eyes.

"I love you too." the girl told the boy,

"But I cant do this. It's all so hard. We are becoming toxic, Polo. I'm not saying we will never be together, but right now, I just need us to be how we were before, just take out the hookups. Can you do that? Can you just be my friend?"

The girl whispered to the boy, wiping away his tears with her thumbs. The boy looked at her, he loved everything about her, he loved her blonde hair that is always styled, her clothes, he loves how she doesn't always dress so formal. He loves her blue eyes, they always show her emotions. He loves the way she twirls her hair when she isn't listening. Or when she scrunches her nose when shes confused. He loves when she knows what to do when to comfort someone. He loves how sweet she is, he loves her determination. He is in love with Luna George, and he won't let her slip through her fingers as if she's sand.

The boy leans in and kisses her. The girl pulls away, before crashing their lips again.

No one could ever replace them, they can hookup, and date other people, but no one could ever compare to how they feel about eachother.
What they didn't know was Caye had been there the whole time, and besides the hurt she felt in her heart, she had a smirk, filming the whole scene occur, sending it to Rebe.

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