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Luna had decided to go to the club, she wanted to see Ander, knowing he was there

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Luna had decided to go to the club, she wanted to see Ander, knowing he was there.

The girl had seen Rebe talking to Omar, Luna walked over to the four teens.

"Look who's arrive." Rebe told Omar. Luna looked at her confused.

"You sleep with me, than you are saying all these sweet things and kissing the boy who cheated on you?"

"How did yo-" Luna asked the girl.

"Cayetana sent me a video." The girl told Luna.
Luna just rolled her eyes, "Of course she did." The girl just ordered a few drinks.

After a few drinks and the girls talking Rebe spoke up to the girl, "You know it's okay to admit you're into me, princess." Rebe smirked at the girl.

"Let's dance!" Luna smirked.

Rebe and Luna are dancing when Luna takes Rebe's hand, dragging her to the bathroom.

"I want you so bad." Luna begged the girl. Rebe pushed her against the door of a stall and starts kissing her neck. She than slowly traces the girl's body, running her hand over the girl's covered heat.

The girl whimpered, throwing her head back.

"Why didn't you say so earlier?" The girl smirked before kissing her.
At school the next day Guzmán had been talking to Polo when Cayetana walked up to the two. Guzmán had told her off telling her she doesn't stand a chance against Luna.

Luna had watched the whole scene occur from a distance. Rolling her eyes when she saw Polo chase after her.

Guzmán had made eye contact with Luna giving her a wink, a way to show he always has her back. She just smiled at him, guilt taking over her body.

"Aloha?" the boy asked the girl with a smile.

"Aloha." the girl smiled back before walking to her next class.
Luna had gone home too see her lights on. The girl walked into her house with caution, knowing Nina was with her friends. It helped her cope, same with Luna, except she has more than her parent's death she has to deal with.

The girl walked into her living room too see a boy.

"Hello little sister."

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