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Guzmán had gone after Nano

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Guzmán had gone after Nano.

Valerio, Polo, and Ander trying time pull him back.

Luna just followed them, standing there. The girl had no energy.

The night before all of this she had found out her parents are dead.

She felt numb, she wasn't even upset about their passing.

They were never there, now it's just permanent. She just didn't know how to tell her baby sister, or how to tell her Brother who was sent off to America.

"I will bash your fucking face in!" Guzmán yelled at the boy in anger.

"Guzmán, your sister was the most important person in my life. For real, we were going to have a kid together! I would've never hurt her! Ever!"

Nano yelled at the boy, who was being held back by Samuel and Rebe.

Rebe's gaze drifted to Luna, she saw the blank stare on Luna's face, what if she knows something?

The girl just shook that thought out of her head, Guzmán is one of her closest friends, there's no way she could be involved.

The truth was she just wanted the girl to be innocent.

"Shut up!" Guzmán yelled at the boy. His face was red, the veins on his neck were visible.

"I know it's easy to blame me, but worry about your so-called friends. They are laughing at you." Nano shouted at the boy, his gaze went at the calm blond who was just watching the scene like it was a boring sports game.

"Shut up!" Guzmán yelled yet again.

Luna just looked at the boy, she didn't know how long she could use the innocent card. Everything is eating her up.

"Let's go, for fuck's sake! Move!" Samuel yelled at his brother pushing him away.

"Nano! If you come anywhere near me or them again, i'll kill you!"

Guzmán screamed at the boy.

"That thug walked right in here as if he owned the place." Lu stated to the principal.

"I know, and I'm sorry that it happened." Ander's mom apologized to the girl.

"But it still happened." Lu shot back. Polo looked at his girlfriend to see her looking numb, and unfazed.

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