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Luna had gone to Lu's after she went home to drop her sister off at the animal shelter where she volunteers with Reba

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Luna had gone to Lu's after she went home to drop her sister off at the animal shelter where she volunteers with Reba.

She also wanted to change out of her uniform and she had to pick up her dress for the party tonight.

Luna was laying on Lu's bed waiting for her boyfriend to arrive with Guzmán.

Lu had said something about harassing Nadia and Valerio, the girl wasn't really listening, Lu aware of the fact since the girl was twirling her hair like it was a piece of spaghetti.
Guzmán and Polo has arrived, Polo has gone into Lu's room after being directed.

"Hello, my love." the boy smiled, giving his girlfriend a kiss. 

"You know, I've never seen you not wearing this ring." the boy smiled.

"I never take it off, ask anyone. Although, i'm nervous it will get stolen, tonight." the girl frowned knowing how crazy clubs get.

"If I see anyone try taking it, they will face me." the boy smiled.

The girl just smiled giving him a kiss, only for their moment to be interrupted by their best friends yelling at eachother.

They just look at eachother, they both sighed.

Luna and Polo both walking to the room to see Valerio as well. Luna sees a package. She smirks.

"Polo, baby, can you go check on Lu." the girl asked. The boy just looks at Guzmán.

"Luna, Guzmán is my best friend."

"Yeah, i'm sorry. Val, one line, please."

"Luna..." the boy warned.

"Just one line, I need it to remain calm when talking to Lu." the girl pleaded.

The boy looked at the girl, and just walked away. "Polo!" the girl shouts.

"I'll be outside. I'm not fighting with you about it, but i'm not watching you destroy yourself either."

The boy glared at the girl, before walking off.

Nadia watched the couple argue and saw Polo and Lu walk straight past her, both angry at their significant others.
While Luna and Guzmán were doing a few lines,

Polo and Lu were talking.

"I want to help her. I want to help both of them. Luna is so damn stubborn." Polo ranted to the girl.

"The best we can do for them is to just be there for them. I know you love Luna. She will stop, she isn't anywhere near as bad as Guzmán."

Lu assured the boy, she had always wanted them together. She saw the way his eyes lit up when she would appear, they way Luna could never get her eyes off of the boy.

She knew they were in love.

Nadia had walked over to the two,

"What are they doing?"

"I suppose the only way my brother knows how to make chemistry sticks in his head is through his nose." Lu replied with a bitchy tone.

"Aren't you two worried about Guzmán and Luna?"

"Luna, yes. Guzmán, no. He can do whatever he wants. Why don't you talk to him, you're so worried about him, maybe he will listen to you."

Polo looked at Nadia than Lu before walking off too talk to his girlfriend.
Lu looked at Nadia again,

"You see that? Polo is in love with Luna. He is so scared of losing her. He's afraid she will leave him for getting in her way, but he's afraid he will loose her by overdose."

"That isn't love." Nadia told the girl before walking away.

That's where she is wrong, Luna and Polo love each other, even if their love is complicated.
Polo walks to see his girlfriend laying on Lu's bed.

"Luna, I can't see you do this to yourself. It kills me inside." the boy pleads, the girl stands up.

"Polo- this is my way out of the guilt and hurt, I carry."

The girl gives him a sad smile.

The boy just looks at her before sitting down staring at the ground, the girl throws her head back, before walking over to her boyfriend, sitting on his lap.

She takes his hands, causing him to look her in the eyes.

She gives him a kiss on the nose, than the mouth, than his cheeks, and his forehead, causing the boy to smile.

Before letting go of his hands, taking his face in her hands.

"You know what's more important to me than the cocaine, and drugs?" the girl asked the boy, he just gave her a look, telling her to continue.

The girl just giggled, "You. If you want me too give it up, I will. I'd do anything if it means a lifetime with you." the girl smiled, kissing him again.

The boy held out his pinky, the girl laughed, but connected it, "I pinky promise."

The boy smiled, kissing her before their moment was interrupted.

"I love you both, but it's time we get ready." Lu smiled at the couple.
Polo was playing pool with Guzmán and Valerio, when Polo saw his girlfriend walk down their stairs.

She was wearing a gorgeous long red dress, it has a slit on the side and hugged her body perfectly.

Polo walked up to his girlfriend, "You are so breathtaking." the boy smiled, kissing her.

"Can we go now?" Lu asked the group.

"I want to go, with you guys." Nadia chimed in.

"It's a red party, and from what i've seen, you only have clothes of two colors, boring and mega boring." Lu laughed.

"Don't be ridiculous, Lu. Let her wear something of yours." Luna told the girl while playing with her boyfriend's hands.

Valerio agreed with the girl, "I bet you have something in your hugs wardrobe she could wear. Let the party begin!"

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