Chapter 2 - Soulmates

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Several days later, they chilled at Taehyung's again. Previously standing on the window and watching Jungkook, as Tae found out was his name from the store owner downstairs, entering the car, dressed up like sin on two legs.

-''He is going to get laid.'' – Jimin said knowingly. Taehyung sighed.

-''I know. You don't dress like that unless you are planning to have sex.''

Jimin looked at his friend, nudging him. – ''Maybe you and I could hit the town, we haven't been out for ages.''

Taehyung sighed and shook his head. – ''I wish I could, but I have to work. I have to finish this book.'' – He sat on the sofa in front of the TV. -''Hoseok is gonna kill me if I ask him to postpone the date again.'' – Jimin came as well, cuddling on Taehyung's side, without the word. He felt Tae needs the touch, so he buried his nose into Tae's neck and tossed one of his legs across his friend's lap, making himself comfortable, listening to Tae's rumble. – ''He's been so patient with me. I'm just waiting for him to snap.''

-''Maybe you should just call him and let him fuck your brains out like before.'' – Jimin said smiling widely, rubbing Taehyung's tummy in the process. Taehyung groaned.

-''Don't mention me, Hoseok and fucking in the same sentence, please. I will get hard.''

Jimin giggled. – ''That's the whole point.''

-''No, I don't want that.''

Jimin's brows furrowed. He leaned slightly back so he could look at his friend properly. – ''Why? You told me he was one of the best fucks you had.''

-''He is, he truly is magnificent, but with him, I sink too deep and then it takes me days to jerk from that submissive daze. He just wakes something in me which is not love, nor simply just lust, but more of a respect, slight fear even and complete submission. I like him very much and I can't say that he doesn't treat me great when we are together, but neither of us is after dom-sub partnership. I want a relationship and he wants his freedom. It's simple as that. The occasional fuck is good, but I don't want to get used to him too much and then convince myself that I have feelings, which I don't.''

-''Ok, I get it. I won't tease you about that anymore, but still, you should get laid. Do you want me to help you find some easy fuck? I have a few on speed dial.''

-''Hell no. I don't want your crazy booty calls.''

Jimin eyes disappeared into crescent shapes as he laughed. He then tried to compose himself and stop smiling, which was difficult since the grin keeps escaping. -''I could always help you out, for old time's sake if you want? You have a nice cock.'' – His eyes glistened mischievously.

Taehyung groaned. – ''Stop, just stop.'' – But then he added warmly. – ''Jiminie, as much as I love your perfect bubble ass, I'm just too tired. I just want to sleep. Besides what's with you and that couple you've been fornicating for two months now?''

Jimin snorted. -''Oh, nothing I grew tired to be in between them. At first, it was interesting, you know. Me fucking her, while he fucks me, or another way around, or both of us fucking her, it was nice. But then it grew out of proportion.'' – Jimin said shaking his head, sighing loudly for a dramatic effect.

-''Her fascination with dick in the ass lead towards the purchase of the strap-on and she started fucking us with that. It was kinky and interesting at first, but it got to the point where she would simply fuck us until we beg to cum. And he...his ass is looser now than ever before because he loves to be lot...entire fist wide.''

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