Chapter 4 - Tease

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Two months have passed since Jungkook moved into the apartment across him and during that time Taehyung got serious writing material if he ever decides to try the erotic genre. He saw Jungkook fucked three times, once more by that blond dimple guy and two times with the other smaller beautiful pale man. Each time Taehyung almost spilled his soul into his hand how hard he was stroking himself. And the staring competition continued whenever their eyes met over the window. Taehyung would get all hot whenever that happened.

His book, however, was getting better. He was nearly finished, on Hoseok's delight. Tips and opinion he got that night, as well as awesome fucking, cleared his tired mind and he was finally able to concentrate. much as he could at least when you have Jungkook claiming his mind unconsciously.

Still, he persevered. Jimin would show up on his doorstep with the food whenever he deemed that Taehyung neglect himself, and Taehyung was eternally grateful. With his care and sexual outlet that Jungkook provided, Taehyung let go of a deep breath when he saved his manuscript after the last check. He sent it to Hoseok, with words: Thank you Hyung, for everything! It's finally done! – and stretched himself in his chair, grinning widely and feeling satisfaction gurgling inside his chest. He giggled and opened the balcony doors, letting the fresh air and the sun come in. He pushed his comfortable chair on the threshold, right next to the railing. The balcony was very small and it didn't have room for the actual outdoor chairs and tables, but Taehyung managed to make himself comfortable. He took off his shirt and sat down, snuggling on the pillows. Rolling up his shorts to his upper-tighs, he hooked his legs on the top of the railing and closed his eyes to enjoy the sun. He slid his fingertips lightly over his chest and liked the tingling sensation they produced, so he kept doing it. He caressed his chest and stomach lazily, going up to flick his nipples and then go down to the waistband of his shorts. His stomach moved slowly, but visibly from his shallow breathing, enjoying the feather-like sensation on his body. He craned his neck, climbing his fingers up, over his face, cheekbones, lips, and then down again. He was purring. Taehyung wondered if this is how cats feel when they spend their days lazying around, cleaning themselves, and seeping in the sun.

His hand slid to his thighs, stroking gently, absent-mindedly pulling them wider so he can reach the inner side, fingers going up and down. He let the huff of breath at the ticklish and arousing feeling having his thighs played. He imagined tattooed hands doing that instead, wanting nothing more at this moment then to slid his shorts and boxers off and get spread wide by muscled hands. He allowed the fingers of his other hand to rest over his semi-hard length, not moving it. Oh, how he wished mouth on him right now, his mind produced the image and the sucking sounds. His body arching slightly at the thought. His hips moved up a bit, crotch pressing at his relaxed hand. I need more. Taehyung thought and stood up, walking away in the bedroom where he kept his toys. He deserves this treat and he has just the person in his head to imagine.

He decided to tease himself a bit. He wore his favorite vibrating plug with the remote and decided to have a glass of wine while the low vibration teased his insides pleasantly. He enjoyed the weather today, he was so lazy, so he removed the chair from the balcony doors and lay on the soft carpet, head on the pillow while basking on the sun. He would increase the speed from time to time to get himself on the edge and then set on low to calm down. He has done that several times, stretching and twisting his body on the floor. He was completely dressed so if anyone saw him, he would just see a very lazy man who roll on the floor and nothing more. There's no way they would know that there is a vibrator pressed on his prostate at that very moment. What was even more interesting was that Jungkook was home. He saw him in the room some ten minutes ago, but he wasn't alone.

Taehyung rolled on his stomach, one arm stretched on the pillow, while the other held the remote. He bent his knees and rose his hips from the floor, just like the frog. The pose was pleasurable, it fitted the moment. The low vibration, made him huff small breaths and his muscles to twitch now and then. He was just about to set the speed up when Jungkook appeared behind the closed window.

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