Chapter 17 - The Plan

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-''It was almost noon when Taehyung woke up. He brushed at his eyes, stretching his libs when a dull pain in his lower part made him cringe his muscles and gasp silently. Then the images flew back into his head, of Jungkook and Jimin, inside him at the same time, Hoseok and the video. He groaned into his hand when he remembered the last part. He still hated the fact that they saw it, even though they didn't react at all like he expected them to.

-''They are better men than that Taehyungie.'' – He smart one said.

-''Oh,'s too early to discuss what happened yesterday with you.'' – Taehyung groaned inwardly.

-''It's noon.'' – The alien spoke matter-of-factly. -''Besides, your loverboys are not here, so I suggest you see where they are.''

-''You are just curious about what they doing.'' – The passionate one spoke. – ''Tae, I'm so proud of you. You exceeded my expectations last night. Two cocks, wow.''

-''Aaah, shut up, shut up, shut up.'' – Taehyung rolled on his stomach, burying his face in the pillows. They smelled like sex and Jimin. He sniffed again a bit to the right... and  there was a whiff of Jungkook as well.

-''I need to change sheets.'' – He thought.

-''Yes, you do. Now get up and take shower.'' – The smart one said.

-''Yeah, I smell breakfast!'' – The alien spoke.

-''You mean lunch?'' – The passion one teased.

-''Whatever.'' – The alien grumbled. –''Go and check what's on the menu. We are hungry.''

-''But first, shower.'' – The smart one ordered and Taehyung knew that there won't be peace in his head unless he did exactly that.

-''Just be quiet, I feel groggy and I can't have you yell at me. Okay?'' – He asked and the silence answered.

Taehyung huffed, quite satisfied with a sudden silence in his head. He picked some clean clothes, hissing at the ache of his ass and his muscles. They got me good this time, Taehyung thought and smiled.

He found Jungkook sitting at the kitchen isle and looking at Jimin's laptop, the notebook and pen lay next to it where he took notes. Jimin was behind him, with a spatula in his hand frying eggs and bacon, by the smell of it.

-''I think I could create a background video that could go great with the mix we were talking about. Just send me the tracks once you decide which ones you want to use.'' – Jungkook spoke, his doe eyes round, face serious as he concentrated on the screen.

-''Don't bother with the video, we don't have equipment for the background screen. What do you think we are, a rich school? The mix would be more than appreciated, thank you. I have like half of them in my mind right now, but I still need to fit everything for the dance.'' – Jimin said seriously while washing the tomatoes in the sink.

-''Fine, but you could always film it and then we could make like an edit to post online.'' – Jungkook said pouting, disliking the way his idea was so quickly rejected. Taehyung smiled softly at his face. He looked so young then.

-''Hmmm, ok, I like that. Yeah, ok.'' – Jimin looked back at Jungkook as he spoke. His eyes flew towards Taehyung on the door, gently smiling at them.

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