Chapter 15 - Old secrets

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-''I'm telling you he is the master of the dance.'' – Jimin said, gesturing widely with his hands to make a point. They were sitting in Taehyung's apartment, he, Jimin, and Jungkook. Jimin was waving with the flash drive in his hands that contained Hoseok's Godly dance clips and videos, as Jimin put it.

He pulled out his laptop from his backpack and went on installing it on the table so they could watch together.

-''I had no idea that he danced so well. I mean, he told me he danced when he was younger, but I thought it was just for fun, you know...but this...'' – He pointed on the screen of his laptop. – ''...this is expert level, my God. I bow to him.''

-''Didn't you bent for him anyway? – Jungkook teased, eyes sparkling with mischief.

Jimin scowled at him. -''I said bow, not bend!

-''Same shit in your case.'' – Jungkook was savage. He started to laugh so much when Jimin started spiting a line of curses, that Taehyung had to smack his hand.

-''Stop.'' – Taehyung warned his boyfriend.

-''What?'' – Jungkook asked innocently. – ''I'm just saying.''

-''Don't. Anyway, Jiminie, did Hyung show those to you, or you raided his computer?'' – Taehyung asked, pointing on the USB flash that was stuck in the laptop.

-''I would never!'' – Jimin gasped. – ''He showed me the videos on his computer.''

-''But why are they on the flash drive? – Taehyung demanded.

-''Well...'' – Jimin scratched his head. – ''I needed them for the showcase and I asked him if I could observe some, for educational purposes. He left me to look through, while he went to receive our food. I didn't want to spend time watching, because I wanted to hang out with him, so I just copy the file to watch it at home in peace and as many times I want.'' – Jimin tried justifying himself.

-''So you took it without his consent?'' – Taehyung arched his eyebrow.

-''It's not a big deal, he showed me already, besides I only took that file, honestly. He will never know I had it. I will delete it after I study it.'' – Jimin shifted on his seat on the couch. – ''I looked up few at home but had to wake up early in the morning for work, so I put it in my backpack. I thought we could watch it together.'' – He said, patting Taehyung's hand. – ''Besides, I know how much you like Hoseokie and you never saw him dance like this, trust me. And Jungkook...'' – He turned towards the said man. – ''You told me you appreciate good dancers, well... you will flip when you see the stunts he's performing.'' – Jimin rested his case and pressed play on the screen.

The sounds of admiration and awe, filled the room as they watched the younger version of Hoseok dancing on the streets. He was like the rubber man, bending in crazy positions, with sharp and yet smooth movement and footwork that would be envied by the most dancers.

-''Wow, he is awesome!'' – Taehyung's jaw fell on the floor.

-''Amazing.'' – Jungkook agreed.

-''See, I told you.'' – Jimin was all smug and satisfied. – ''I tried to copy a few of his moves, but I could never do it so perfectly.''

-''I like this part.'' – Jungkook pointed and tried to imitate. He was actually good.

-''Come on, stand up.'' – Jimin said. – ''Let's try it.''

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