Chapter 21 - Chocolate

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It's been around two months since Jimin entered into his relationship with Yoongi and Hoseok. He was positively radiant with happiness. He called Tae to tell him the news the first thing tomorrow and Tae didn't have the heart to tell him that he already knows, so he acted delighted and relieved. He didn't have to act much since he was, indeed, truly happy for his best friend.

Jin was also loud in his congratulations, making Jimin shy with all of the naughty comments he said.

-''Aish, Hyung. Stop teasing me.'' - Jimin murmured, blushing, while Jin chuckled in satisfaction.

-''Hyung, how is Namjoon Hyung?'' – Taehyung asked, trying to move the subject from his soulmate. Jimin gave him a thankful look.

Jin groaned and rolled his eyes. – ''He is on timeout.''

Jimin began to giggle. – ''What did he do?''

-''He forgot the important date and he broke my favorite accident.'' – He added.

-''I'm sorry Hyung. I'm sure he didn't mean to.'' – Taehyung defended the tall blond.

-''I know he didn't, but the fact that he tried to talk his way out of it with his flashy big words and universal philosophy or some shit, is what got him in timeout.'' – Jin said, nodding his head, with an eyebrow raised. Taehyung covered his smile.

Jimin, curious as always, had to ask. – ''What's a timeout in this case?''

-''No sex until further notice.''

-''For how long??'' - Jimin managed through giggles.

-''Until he mends his ways.''- Jin smiled wickedly. – ''I deliberately wear tight pants and loose shirts in his presence, and appreciate my food a bit too enthusiastically... if you know what I mean.'' – He laughed his contagious laugh. Jimin almost fell from his chair laughing.

-''Poor Joonie Hyung.'' – Taehyung said, laughing as well. – ''Jin Hyung, you are the worst.''

-''Did he tried to...umm...mend his ways, as you said?'' – Jimin asked, grinning widely.

Jin laughed. – ''He wrote me a very nice poem, bought me flowers and food from my favorite restaurant.'' – He made a pause, his face softens. – ''Oh, God, he is so adorable when he tries that hard, with his dimple and sad eyes. He could be like a little bear cub, you know, so soft.'' – Jin's eyes wandered somewhere in the distance, sighing deeply. – ''But then again...'' – Jin composed himself quickly. – ''...he has such sexy brain and enough strengths to bend me in half and had his way with me, it's so sexy.'' – He shook his head in disbelief. – ''I was this close...'' – He raised his hand to show just how small the distance between his fingers was. –'' give in to him last night.''

Jimin and Tae watched him with amusement.

-''You think you would be able to stay firm for a while?'' – Taehyung asked.

Jin thought for a bit. – ''It depends on him.''

Needless to say that Jin forgave him the very same night after Namjoon told him he is sorry, for a dozenth time, called himself a ''stupid bear'' and bought him the Super Mario game that Jin's was missing from his collection.

Besides those silly dramas from time to time, life went peaceful. They spent their time together often, hanging out, going on lunches, and working. Jimin refused to consider singing as his new career, but he did sing on a couple of occasions for some of the Yoongi's songs. Yoongi said that he loves Jimin's voice the most, and Jimin is still extremely shy about it.

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