Chapter 6 - Your turn...

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Never in a million years did Taehyung thought that he would be here at this moment, looking at his crush's eyes while waiting to have sex with his best friend. All of it was crazy, completely bonkers, but somehow, he didn't care. His intuition was telling him to go for it and he knew pretty well what his head and his heart were telling him, so here we are.

-''And you ARE one kinky bastard.'' – The savage one spoke. Taehyung chuckled.

-''Tae...'' – Taehyung turned at Jimin's voice. His mouth watered. Jimin stood with a towel around his hips. His chiseled body was still wet from a shower. Taehyung went towards him, kissing him deeply. He tasted like toothpaste, fresh, and clean. He caught Jimin's plump lower lip between his and sucked, making the latter moan seducingly. Damn, he loves Jimin. He loves him a lot. He is so special, so endearing, so hot. Taehyung felt aroused by his scent, his personality, and his strong body.

Maybe all of this was madness, maybe it's the wine, but he wants Jimin tonight. He needs him, and he wants Jungkook to watch them. He was against it at first, it all sounded so crazy to him, but he is purring, feeling the heat in his stomach, going down between his legs. He hardened, pushing his hips on Jimin's and making him whimper into the kiss, wrapping his hands around Tae's neck and pressing harder. -''Tae.'' – Jimin breathed between the kiss. – ''Be a good boy and sit in the chair.'' – Jimin nudged him and pulled his hands away.

Taehyung took a deep breath and did what he was told. He sat down, eyes meeting Jungkook's. Jimin stood behind him, meeting doe's gaze as well, his hands-on Taehyung's shoulders. He threads his fingers through Taehyung's hair, pulling at the strands to tilt his head on the side before kissing Taehyung's neck. Taehyung moaned quietly in pleasure.

His hands worked skilfully around the buttons of Taehyung's shirt and soon Jungkook could see that nice golden chest and stomach. Taehyung turned his head to kiss Jimin's lips but soon ended up in passionate make-out. Jimin's fingers went lower, at the hem of Taehyung's loose pants. He palmed the hard member and then slipped his hand inside, gripping at it and making the dark-haired man buckle his hips into the touch.

Taehyung was gripping the armrests and allowed himself to be kissed and touched. He felt the cold air on his length and he knew that Jimin pulled him out for Jungkook to see. He sneaked the peek at the said man and saw that Jungkook had his hand around his cock as well. He shuddered from the pleasure.

-''You love his eyes on you, don't you?''- Jimin whispered, licking at his ear and bitting his lobe. Taehyung made some impatient whiny sound and Jimin giggled. He kissed him once more and then went toward the balcony. He points at Jungkook and then his own eyes, asking him to pay attention now. Turning around he allowed his towel to fall, showing off his perfect booty.

Brushing his chest and cock gently with his hands, he asked Taehyung. – ''Are you ready Tae? Ready to make a spectacle?''

Taehyung growled low, his dick twitch under Jimin's gaze. –''Come here.'' – He said, and Jimin, smiling, fell on his knees. He arched his ass up, creating a splendid view for Jungkook who groaned, fisting his member harder and hissing at the feeling.

Jimin crawled, hands reaching Taehyung's pants and pulling them down together with underwear. He tossed them on the side and, careful not to be on the way, he spread Taehyung's legs, so his thighs and his cock were visible. Jungkook bit his lip, watching as Jimin ran his fingers on the insides of Taehyung's legs, caressing the sensitive skin there, while his hand pumped lightly, not wanting to excite him too much before the real fun starts.

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