Chapter 5 - The Invitation

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Feeling and breathing much easier, now that his work is done, at least for a while before the book promotions begin, Taehyung enjoyed the last week of May to the fullest. He went to the art galleries, and bookstores, shopped with Jimin, long walks in the park, stopping now and then to pet and play with the dogs who were out on their walkies. Taehyung was satisfied, well, almost.

He didn't see Jungkook properly again after he saw him in the club's toilet. There were lights in the evenings, and Taehyung could catch Jungkook's form walking through the room from time to time, but it was only briefly. He wanted to apologize to him, to say he is sorry for barging up on him like that if only he gets the chance. He didn't think that shouting through the window would be appreciated.

He got his chance one day though when he saw him in the local store. Taehyung was walking through the racks, trying to remember what he needs to buy when he spotted a familiar figure. Jungkook was several rows away, checking his shopping list and filling his basket. He was now on the meat section. Taehyung gasped and quickly hid behind the toilet paper tower, which was on a discount, between two racks. He was slowly going crazy with the frantic discussion 'approach or not, that is the question?', inside of his head.

-''Should I approach and say I'm sorry?'' – Taehyung wondered.

-''Don't be ridiculous, he probably won't remember you, and you will look like an idiot. Just go and say hi, it's time you meet him.''– Another voice of his conscious spoke – the smart one.

-'But no, he couldn't possibly forget that situation.'' – The other voice was louder, much more frantic. That was a passionate one, the one that often whispered filth when he wrote some erotic scenes or flirted.

-''But what if he was drunk? He might forget all about it.'' – The third one spoke calmly, almost blankly.

-''He didn't seem drunk, shocked yes, but drunk no.''– Taehyung said mutely, remembering. He was tipsy, but he remembers that moment vividly.

-''Maybe he was close to cum and just didn't care.''– The blank one spoke again, not truly caring.

-''OMG, he was about to cum and I interrupted him! Now I'm certain he remembers me.'' – Taehyung groaned. That thought never crossed his mind, well...until now.

-''Phh, don't flatter yourself that much.'' – The smart one took the word. – ''He had the guy's mouth on him.''

-''Oh, he has an impressive dick.'' – Passionated one interjected.

-''Hell yes indeed.'' – Taehyung agreed dreamily.

-''Taehyung, concentrate, you are not making this easier, you should go and introduce yourself.''

-''And say what? Hi, I'm your friendly neighbour who accidentally cockblocked you in the public restroom, and sometimes we have a staring competition on our windows, I just wanted to say hi and I'm sorry!?'' – Taehyung was irritated with himself.

-''Hmm, maybe skip with that friendly neighbour, you sound like Ned Flanders.'' – The calm one spoke.

-'' Oh, God, you are not helping. Taehyung, you are a grown man who writes great books...'' – Smart one begins but was interrupted by the calm and a bit savage one.

-''Maybe try to be a bit more modest, good books would be enough... ''

-''Oh, for fuck sake. Shut up!'' – Both passionate and smart Taehyung yelled in unison the last part, and then Smart one continued. – ''As I was saying, you are a grown man who wants to personally introduce himself and apologize for the inconvenience you caused, that's all. You turn around and leave, the job is done.''

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