Chapter 20 - Challenge accepted

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Tomorrow at noon they were awoken by Jin, who came with food and the rest of the cupcakes.

-''Wakey, wakey, sleepy heads. Did you have an orgy? Shame on you, you didn't invite me.''

-''Fuck off, Hyung.'' – Jungkook grunted sleepily at the loud voice and got slapped on his naked back by Jin. He hissed and yelled at him. They went on arguing.

Jimin who was already up, showered, dressed in some comfy clothes, was just making a list of groceries he needed to make some lunch when Jin arrived with food.

Taehyung who was in the process of brushing his teeth, his bed hair still shaggy and cheeks puffy was squinting his eyes at them, opening up the bags with food.

-''Tae, go and finish with your teeth and take a quick shower, while I serve the food. Go on now.'' – Jimin said, pushing his soulmate towards the bathroom, while the youngest and the eldest still argued around nonsense.

Taehyung grunted but allowed Jimin to chase him down. He went into the bathroom, rinsing his mouth with water and looking himself in the mirror once he took off his robe. He was filled with hickeys.

-''Those two sucking monsters.'' – He thought, but not menacingly, before entering the shower. Soon he hears the door opening and flushing of the toilet. Jungkook stepped in still brushing his teeth with his own toothbrush that Taehyung places it there the second time the man stayed the night. It was quite normal, almost natural how they just walked in each other's lives without any fuss like they were together for years. Jimin of course had his spare toothbrush here as well, as did Taehyung at his place. That was a soulmate thing.

Taehyung was smiling warmly while he thought of that, feeling Jungkook's arms around him. He removed the toothbrush from his mouth and kissed Tae on his cheek, leaving the white paste on it.

-''You are disgusting sometimes.'' – Taehyung made a face and stood under the shower stream to clean his face. First, he heard him chuckling, and then he was pushed forward on the tiles by a strong body. Jungkook opened his lips to catch some water and rinse his mouth.

-''Get off, you muscle pig.'' – Taehyung protested, which made Jungkook laugh, hugging him even stronger and kissing his neck.

-''But you love my muscles.'' – He said, brushing his hardening cock on Taehyung's ass. – ''You like it very much.'' – He slid his hand on Taehyung's jaw, turning his head to kiss him properly. Taehyung just relaxed into the kiss, feeling the traces of the toothpaste on Jungkook's tongue. He arched his ass back, feeling Jungkook's length between his cheeks.

-''Jungkook, we are not alone. Jin Hyung is there.'' – He moaned into the kiss.

-''So? He has Jimin-ssi to entertain him. I want my boyfriend now.'' – He slid his cock inside Taehyung at that, making him moan, tossing his head back, under the stream of water, wet hair slicked back.

-''Fuck, baby, you look so gorgeous.'' – Jungkook said, rolling his hips into Taehyung, slowly building up the tension. He was already loose from last night, but Jungkook was still careful not to hurt him, so he went slow.

Taehyung held on the wall, palms spread. Knees slowly bucking down, as his cock slid on the cold wet tiles. The breathing became heavy as they both fought water that came down their faces and into their mouths.

-''Feels so good.''- Taehyung whimpered, and Jungkook started bucking his hips faster into him. Taehyung needed to muffle his moans with his hand. It was incredible.

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