Chapter 18 - The decision

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It was raining week and Tae didn't do much. He loved going to his balcony only in his shorts and enjoying the summer rain on his skin. He loved the thunder and lightning, it gave his inner energy such a boost, but overall, he didn't do much. Jungkook was very busy for the last two weeks. Working, sometimes, the entire day on some music video for one young Idol that Yoongi produced a song for. Namjoon was often there so they usually ate their lunches together. Taehyung saw him only in the evenings and mornings since the latter came to Taehyung's place, rather than his own.

-''I need to help Jimin-ssi with his song mix. I promised.'' – He said, working quietly with his headphones on in the corner of Taehyung's kitchen isle.

-''Why don't you take the desk, I will move my laptop so you can work comfortably in the chair.'' – Taehyung suggested, feeling quite bad watching he younger man sitting uncomfortably on the kitchen stool, but Jungkook declined.

-''I don't mind, besides the fridge is right behind me. I just need to reach back to take whatever I want.''

Taehyung laughed at that. – ''Okay, baby, I'll leave you to work.'' – He turns to leave but was pulled back in a tight embrace.

-''Kisses first.'' – Jungkook mumbled and they kissed lazily for a while and then just separated with a smile, Taehyung leaving to do something creative, while Jungkook put his headphones on again and immersed himself into work.

He cracked his neck several times after a solid hour, not feeling Taehyung's presence behind him until he saw a hand with a small bowl filled with different kinds of fruits on his left. He raised his eyes and saw Taehyung placing the fruit on the side of his laptop, munching his own deliciously. Jungkook's face split into a huge and warm smile and he took down his headphones.

-''For me? Thank you, love.'' – He said, taking Taehyung's hand in his and placed a few kisses on the gentle skin.

-''You seemed like you need some vitamins.'' – Taehyung said, swallowing and smacking his pouty lips together.

-''You are my vitamin.'' – Jungkook said and Taheyung groaned.

-''I can see you spend a lot of time with Namjoon Hyung.'' – Taehyung said and then added when Jungkook looks at him confused. – ''You are becoming extra cheezy.''

-''I don't see you complaining much.'' – Jungkook grinned and earn himself another kiss before Tae moved away.

-''Turn forward again.'' – Taehyung said and gently placed his fingers on Jungkook's shoulders when he did. Jungkook groaned as Tae massaged his neck, shoulders, and spine.

-''Oh, it feels good, babe.'' – He purred and Taehyung allowed only small smirk before his face returns into a serious concentration, kneading the tense muscles there.

After a while, the pressure subdued and Jungkook felt light caressing and then a gentle kiss on his nape. He shuddered with pleasantness.

-''There...much better now, yes?'' – Taehyung asked and Jungkook gave him one of the biggest and drowsiest bunny smiles.

-''Yeah, felt like I'm in heaven.''

Taehyung smiled his boxy smile and peck his cheek. – ''Good, now eat your fruit and work for a little while, then take a break and rest your eyes. You stare on that screen too much.''

-''Okay.'' – Jungkook just nuzzled in Taehyung's side, inhaling greatly. – ''I'll work for a bit more and then I'll come and cuddle you. We can watch a movie if you want.'' – He added.

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