Chapter 10 - What are we?

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Whether or not Jimin did what Jungkook suggested, Taehyung didn't know. The last time he talked to him was a quick call, but they didn't mention either of Jimin's flings. Taehyung knew that Jimin will let him know if anything changes in that department so he didn't push for the information.

Instead, he used his last free days to relax with Jungkook. Their relationship, although new, was blooming comfortably. Sometimes it seemed they are together for ages and not a few weeks. Taehyung was contained, enjoying immensely. They went to watch the latest Marvel movie that just came out, and since Taehyung hasn't seen all of them, Jungkook insisted on the movie marathon. So they ended up cuddled on Taehyung's couch with food and superhero universe. They would pause the movies for make-out sessions from time to time.

-''Hey, Tae?'' - Jungkook called suddenly.

-''Hmm?'' – Taehyung acknowledged, eyes still glued on the TV.

-''Your new book.''

Taehyung furrowed his brows slightly in confusion but didn't move from his position. – ''Yes?''

-''That new character of yours, the hot tattooed one. How did he come to life?'' – Jungkook asked curiously. Taehyung turned his head this time to look at him, a faint blush decorated his face instantly.

The voice in his head smirked. – ''Busted.''

-''I didn't know you like to read books. You told me you read comics only.'' – Taehyung tried to change the subject.

-''Lame Taehyung... lame.''- The voice teased.

-''Shut up!'' – Taehyung hissed.

Jungkook smirked mischievously. – ''Well, I haven't read this one yet, but I was told that there is that one character that looked a lot like me.'' – He said glancing towards the other man to see his embarrassed expression.

-''Yet? Are you planning to read it then?'' – Taehyung asked, still avoiding the question.

-''I might, seeing that I'm, somewhat, in it.'' – He bit his lip so he won't grin. Taehyung huffed, pressing his lips closer to suppress the smile of his own. He still felt embarrassed that Jungkook found out about that.

-''How presumptuous of you.'' – Taehyung said, raising one eyebrow, trying to put Jungkook off a bit, but the younger man didn't budge.

-''So it is.'' – He said cockily. –''I knew it.'' – He was grinning with satisfaction, eyes gleaming. He leans to plant a kiss on Taehyung's jaw and whisper. – ''I like it.'' – He then leaned back, adding. – ''Jin Hyung told me you did me justice. He said ''he is arrogant little shit, but he is cunning and cool''. Doesn't sound legit though.'' – He chuckled in amusement.

-''Oh, God.'' – Taehyung groaned, hiding his eyes with his elegant hand. Still blushing, he licked his lips and huffed a breath of embarrassment before speaking. – ''He sort of just pop in my mind one day and refused to leave my thoughts.'' – Taehyung finally admits it. – ''Pretty much like you did.'' – He added softly, and then bowed his head, looking at him under his long eyelashes. – ''I hope you don't mind? I never asked for your permission, but then again I didn't use your personality, just your appearance, a bit. You are much, much better.''

Jungkook took Taehyung's chin in his hands and tilted it up. –''I already told you I like it. When I buy the book, I hope you will sign one for me?'' – He kissed him gently on the lips, but Taehyung was fidgeting. Jungkook moved away to look at him when Taehyung jumped on his feet.

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