Chapter 14 - The Song

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Even though with Taehyung's deepest wish, Jimin didn't manage to fix things with Hoseok the way they were before. They agreed to be friends, but nothing more, at least for the time being.

-''I told him everything, the whole truth.'' – Jimin said, dabbing on his tears. – '' I told him that I wasn't sure in his intentions since he always kept saying that he didn't want a relationship and when Yoongi appeared I was just so mesmerized by him. He said that he understood that, that Yoongi always had that influence on people without even knowing.''

Taehyung held his hands, feeling sad. Why do things need to be that complicated?

-''He said that he didn't mind us starting dating, what's more, he thought that it might work out between us, because I'm playful just like he is, and that he won't mind me being with Yoongi at the same time, but that he can't forgive me lying to him.'' – Jimin's chin wobbled.

-''And, indeed, we did talk about everything, especially sexual things and partners, who was with who, how they were in bed, how big is their dick, how wet and tight was the girl, you know... the usual, because Hyung swing both ways, and that's okay, but...somehow...I wanted to keep Yoongi a secret from him. I don't know why. Maybe because he would see my face when I talk about him, he will sense it. I knew that he would pull back if he knew that I was in love with Yoongi.''

-''But you are in love with Hoseokie, too.'' – Taehyung brushed his lips on Jimin's wrist.

-''I don't think he would believe me. And I think that he would pull back because of Yoongi. I could feel it. Tae, he still cares about him. He talks about him with such respect and passion. He would most definitely pull back....and I didn't want him too.''

-''Well, fuck Jiminie. I'm sorry.'' – He patted Jimin's arm, taking a deep sigh. – ''What about Yoongi? Will you call him?''

-''I already did.'' – Jimin said brushing his eyes. – ''I called him several times and left messages. He didn't answer any.'' – He sniffled. – ''I just want him to hear me out.'' – He raised his eyes to look at Taehyung. – ''He doesn't have to be my friend or anything, no matter how much it will hurt, but I want to apologize for everything that I've done. It was my indecision that caused so much trouble and pain.''

They stayed silent for a time being, some shuffling and sniffing from time to time was all that was heard. And than Taehyung had an idea.

-''Hmm, Jiminie?''

Jimin raised his head at that. Taehyung was thinking deep.

-''How about you film a message to him?'

-''To Yoongi?''

Taehyung nodded.

-''What makes you think he would play it?''

-''Because someone would make sure that he sees it. I can ask Jungkook or Jin Hyung, they will both do it.'' – Taehyung said.

-''I don't know...'' – Jimin was thinking over when Taehyung's eyes went wide.

-''How about you make him a song? You can sing it to him.'' – He asked, feeling excited like a child.

-''A song? Please, I don't know how to sing good enough!'' – Jimin shook his head.

Taehyung caught his hands in his and shook him gently. – ''You have a wonderful voice! I will never forget that video from your school performance when you were nine.''

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