#8 - Surprise

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Jimin's POV

~The next morning~

Entering the city is already making me feel nervous for the boys to see Taehyung again. How they'll react I'm not so sure, but I know that they'll get emotional like Yoongi hyung and I did.

I'm a little more concerned about Namjoon. Mainly because of how Taehyung had the massive fight with his younger sister.

Whether he'll grab Taehyung with a pissed off lust, or one that shows how much he's missed seeing his face everyday.

Because I know he has, we all have. Even if we never said we did.

Namjoon grew up with him, like Jungkook and Yoongi did, Nari too. They're a family like how us angels are one.

But now we're a united family thanks to Jungkook and Hana. I'll never thank them enough for filling in the missing pieces of my family.

"I actually need some new earrings, I forgot to get them the other day." Namjoon fiddles with his current little hoops attached to his ear, looking around at the various shops.

Hoseok points to him and agrees. "Oh yeah, me too."

Yoongi and I exchange looks. "But first, I want to show you something." Yoongi gestures with his hand to follow him.

Turning into his wolf and me spreading out my wings, we head towards the roof to where Taehyung will be.

The other three mirror our actions with confused expressions. Once on the building I start to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Why are we here hyung?" Jungkook asks.

"You'll see." I reply looking around. Looking at Yoongi I step forwards. "Where is he?"

"He said he'll be here Jimin, so he will." Yoongi says in a calm tone.

Namjoon narrows his eyes at the both of us. "Who?"

Coincidentally, he arrives just as Namjoon says that. A black wolf jumps up onto the roof, his head hanging low and peering up to take a look at us.

He looks startled when seeing that it isn't just Yoongi and I, but the rest of the boys too.

"Who's that?" Hoseok warily looks at the wolf.

It's like Taehyung refuses to change back into himself, as he sees Jungkook, Namjoon and Hoseok. He's scared for how they'll react. And probably thinking of running away.

"Don't even think about running away." Yoongi quickly yells to him, as if reading my mind. "They need to see you and you know it. They need to know."

Namjoon, Hoseok and Jungkook are confused at Yoongi's words. They're about to question him, when something happens that makes them stop.

Reluctantly, within a second Taehyung has turned into his normal human self. He hesitates to look up at us, but whilst taking a deep breath in, he soon gives in and does.

And the three boys stood next to Yoongi and I have gone silent.

A soft gasp leaves Hoseok's lips. All of their eyes are widened, staring at the boy that they believed to have died years ago.

"Hyung?" Jungkook whispers, stepping forwards.

Jungkook tilts his head, not believing it's him, his hyung, that he's laying his eyes on.

Instantly he breaks out into a run, colliding with Taehyung and throwing his arms around him, grasping on for dear life.

"You're alive, you're actually alive!" Jungkook voice becomes muffled in Taehyung's shoulder. Taehyung closes his eyes, and embraces Jungkook in his arms.

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