#18 - It's time

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Authors POV

~2 months later~

Ever since the events of Jin's death, reuniting with Taehyung and discovering a black widow, his mind still replays every moment he saw in that flashback.

The message Hana sent him was loud and clear, and he repeats it in his head everyday.

And he hasn't stopped thinking about it ever since. The more he thinks about it, the more protective he becomes over his daughter.

Because it's confirmed that this widow one day will come for her, he has been training her. Training her to protect herself. To know what to do if the widow decides to make an appearance.

With the help of all of the angels and dark angels and their own knowledge and fighting abilities, they form a team of highly intelligent teachers teaching their one and most important student.

Even though she is still young, she is fully aware now of the dangerous possibilities that could come.

She can now transform into a little wolf and is becoming more familiar with her wings. Learning to control her position as a wolf has proven difficult, but she'll get the hang of it.

What surprises Jungkook the most, is that the black widow hasn't made it's move yet.


He or any of the others haven't seen it since it attacked 2 months ago, and it's made him wonder if it's actually still alive or not.

However, he knows that widows don't give up a fight that easily. Especially with a second mission that still needs completing.

The plan to use the Mourn of Faith on the widow was put on hold, until now. They all realised that if they were going to do this plan, they needed to be a little more prepared.

Taehyung's already known knowledge of the widow has helped them have a clear target, and know exactly what to do.

Yes, Taehyung has officially returned home.

They're all together again, just like old times. 

Even though Jin isn't with them, they don't think for a moment that he still isn't watching them. Watching his wife carry on living her life without him by her side, his niece grow up strong and fierce like his sister once was, his three loyal and best friends who he had known since he was little, the dark angel friends he made who were his family.

And Jungkook hopes that where ever Jin is, the woman he once loved is watching with him too with a proud heart.

The day has arrived where their plan that they've been planning for the past couple months can finally commence. They gather in their garden in a circle, standing together and strong.

All are in their clothes suit for a battle, weapons strapped to their side and backs, hands lose and ready.

"No matter what happens, we stay together. We stick to the plan." Their leaders voice makes them even more determined. "And if we go down, then we go down together."

The eldest one out of all of them raises her hand forwards. "For Seokjin and Hana."

The three other angels join their hands on top of Irene's. One by one, the rest of them pile their hands on top of one another, saying their companion's names.

The youngest stands in front of her father, standing on her tip-toes and joining her hand on top.

"For mother and Uncle Jin."

And then they are off. They break formation and go over the things they have with them. Once everything is counted for they leave their home, hoping to return safely and with all 10 of them still in one piece.

Because one lift can only fit so many people, 5 go in one and 5 go in the other. Jungkook goes over the plan with the other 4 that he's with.

"First, we get Talia up to the cloud haven. Jiwoo and Jimin will stay with her there. Myself, Taehyung, Nari and Yoongi will go into Hell and retrieve the Mourn of Faith. Irene, Namjoon, and Hoseok, will stay in the unknown and wait for us to come back. We then all go into Heaven, give the weapon to Jimin in the cloud haven and then find the widow."

"Sounds good to me." Taehyung nods in approval and rolls his neck back. "This will be the first time we've been to Hell for 5 years."

"Same with us since we've been to Heaven. I wonder what it looks like now." Jiwoo says out of curiosity. 

"I don't think it's very pretty anymore. Well, at least that's what I've seen in my dreams." Talia speaks up. "Is the cloud haven nice? I didn't see that in my dream." She wonders.

Jimin smiles down at her and nods. "That should be the only thing that hasn't changed, since the battles have all taken place on the ground. I miss the cloud haven." He sighs just thinking about it.

"I miss Heaven." Jiwoo chirps, looking a little homesick. "It's going to be hard to see it all destroyed and run down now." The angel nod just as the doors to the lift open into the unknown, once they reach the top. 

Taehyung steps out of the lift first, taking a glance around to check that the coast is clear. Namjoon steps out of the lift beside them, mirroring Taehyung's actions. When they know that it's safe, both of them signal for the others to come out.

"We'll see you guys later then." Namjoon says quietly to the ones who have to part ways into Heaven and Hell. 

Jungkook squats down to Talia's height, and pulls her into his chest. "I'll see you in bit, okay?" He then holds her by her shoulders and she nods.

Then, Jimin and Jiwoo spread open their wings. Talia does the same, revealing her unique black and white ones. The three of them lift off the ground, soaring straight into the air. Talia is slower that Jimin and Jiwoo, as expected. But Jimin flies behind her so he can see her and know that she's safe, and Jiwoo leads the way.

As soon as they do that, Jungkook, Nari, Yoongi and Taehyung transform into their wolves and make a run towards Hell, to retrieve the weapon.

Namjoon, Hoseok and Irene stay and hide in the unknown, keeping a look-out for any unusual behaviour. Mainly belonging to a certain black widow.

And now, the plan commences.

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