#20 - A late confession

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Jimin's POV

I still haven't told her.

Maybe now is the right time to finally tell her.

Or maybe it isn't the right time. We can't let anything distract us from what we came here to do, and this will definitely distract us.

But then again, I've got nothing to lose. We might die in the next 24 hours, and so she needs to know. I can't let one of us die without confessing to her.

When we were kids, she always caught my attention. We practically grew up together, and when I realised I liked her it was too late. I have no idea if she feels the same way, but I guess now's a chance to find out.

"Hey, Jiwoo?"

The said defender angel glances up at me when hearing her name being called. She's currently playing with Talia in the little playground in front of me.

Whilst the 5 year old carrys on playing, Jiwoo jogs over and sits down on the bench next to me.

"What is it?"

I take in a deep breath. "This is pretty overdue...like seriously overdue. And you may hate me for not telling you this sooner, just a little heads up."

Jiwoo raises her eyebrow. "I mean...thanks? What is that you want to tell me that's apparently very late?"

Taking a deep breath through the nose, I speak. "Well...I kind of..." I trail off, not finding the courage to say it.

As I stare back in her eyes, she makes it impossible to form a proper sentence. It's like her eyes are hypnotising me, making my breath catch in my throat.

Spit it out Park Jimin!

Maybe I don't necessarily need to say it. Maybe I can do something to show what I'm trying to say instead. I've just thought of something I could do, and don't think twice or hesitate.

Grabbing the sides of her face I quickly place my lips onto hers, making her freeze. She doesn't respond because it was so sudden, and I honestly surprised myself too. 

I let go, and we both don't speak. I don't really know what to say, and neither does she.

Instead, she wants more. She leans back in and re-attaches her lips onto mine once more. But this time, we both properly respond and actually move them.

When we let go and lean our foreheads onto eachothers, Jiwoo begins to lightly chuckle.

"It took you that long to do that?" She sighs. "Considering you're known for your charm I'm a little disappointed."

I stutter for words. "With you it's different." I murmer. "Because there's actual feelings there, not just a one time thing."

Fully placing her head up, Jiwoo slowly begins to smile. She leans her head onto my shoulder, shuffling closer to me. Then she places her hand on top of mine, rubbing it a little with her thumb.

I breathe a quiet sigh of relief. That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Sitting happily, I lean my head onto hers with a little satisfied grin.

We watch Talia still playing in the playground, taking no notice of us and in her own little world.

However, something catches her attention and she peers her head over the side and to the ground.

When she sees what she sees, she gasps and points to it. "They're here!"

From that, Jiwoo and I immediately spring up from our seats, looking to where Talia is looking.

Five wolves sprint into Heaven, followed by two winged angels flying above them. When the wolves stop, they transform into themselves and look up at us.

Then, the two angels fly up towards the cloud haven and land next to us. Irene holds Taehyung's rucksack in her hands, filled with the Mourn of Faith. She goes inside one of the little open huts and places it on the table inside, then rejoins us.

Hoseok sighs and looks around at his surroundings. "It really is like we never left. It still looks exactly the same."

"I can't say the same about the rest of Heaven." I mention, taking a look at the ground now in ruins and debris. 

Talia stands on the bench next to us, so that she's the same height as all 4 of us. "So now Aunt Irene will stay up here, and the three of you go with others, right?"

Jiwoo nods in confirmation. "We'll come back when we have the widow with us, and then use the weapon on it."

After going over our plan once more, Hoseok, Jiwoo and I leave Irene and Talia in the cloud haven and we fly down to the ground, reuniting with the dark angels waiting for us.

A little smirk appears on Taehyung's lips. "And now for the fun part: finding this bitch ass widow and putting it down for good." He removes his weapons attached to him, gripping firmly onto the handles.

"Okay hold on, before you get too excited." Hoseok raises his hand and encourages Taehyung to stop. "This is our home, so you follow wherever we go. And please, don't touch anything you're not supposed to touch. Understood?"

The eager dark angels groan from Hoseok's instructions, reluctantly nodding and slumping their shoulders.

"Such a buzz kill." Taehyung mutters, kicking the rubble with his foot.

Turning around to look at what's left of our home is hard. I barely recognise it anymore.

There's no spark, no light like there used to be.

These streets used to be full of life. And the people, the people made it what it is.

Now there's no one. The light from Heaven has faded, casted with the shadow and the darkness from the remains instead.

"Before we go into the Palace, I want to see something." Jungkook then says. "It won't take long." With them final words he turns his back to us and dashes off.

I raise an eyebrow, wondering where he's going. Yoongi and I exchange looks before running after him, following this dark angel to God knows where.

Jungkook then stops when he reaches where he wanted to go. I also stop in my tracks and take a deep breath in when I realise where he's taken us.

Heaven's graveyard.

Taking a glance around, Yoongi and I both already know why he wanted to come here. Jungkook slowly walks further in, right into the middle of the graveyard.

Because in the middle, is where the royals are buried. There's a separate little section in the middle for them all.

And among them, is Hana.

The three of us stop in front of her grave. The whiteness of the the lid of the coffin, which is just about sticking out from the ground, has faded into a dark colour from the plants growing around it and the slight debris.

Jungkook gazes at it with no emotion on his face. He bites the inside of his cheek when his emotions then start to show. He takes a deep breath in through the nose, exhaling through his mouth.

Yoongi glances at both of us looking at Hana's grave with saddened eyes. He pats us both on the back in comfort, knowing how hard it is to be here.

I turn around to see that the rest of the angels and dark angels have joined us, and drop their gaze towards Hana's grave.

Jiwoo entwines her hand with mine, sighing and placing her head on my shoulder whilst looking at Hana.

"You think she's here with us?"

Smiling faintly, I nod. "Without a doubt."

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