#26 - Little by little

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Jimin's POV

After Nari, Namjoon and Irene have all tried speaking to Hana to try to get her to remember something else, we're still stuck at square one. She still doesn't remember us.

The Hana I remember isn't back, yet.

We're making slow progress but we need to work harder. Because at any moment, the widow could spring into action. And since the weapon is now destroyed, we only have one other option left.

To teach her how to control a black widow.

Jungkook's been dealing with a widow for basically all of his life. It took a while but eventually, he learned to control it. With his help she can live like how he did, when he still had the proper widow in him.

But first, we have to deal with this memory situation.

"Anyone got any other ideas?"
Jungkook helplessly looks around at us all.

It almost makes me laugh when we all shake our heads at the same time.

Hana simply gazes at all of us with an innocently and lost little look.

However, I notice her gaze changes. She now looks surprised, as if she's just realised something.

"Teddy bear."

Uh, what?

Raising an eyebrow I glance at the others stood/sat around me. And they too are oblivious to what she's talking about.

"Teddy bear?" Yoongi mumbles under his breath. "What's that got to do with anything?" He says in a louder tone.

Gulping slightly, she looks at Yoongi sat across from her. "She left her teddy bear behind."

Yoongi furrows his eyebrows. "Who did?"

Her eyes move to the ground, and she thinks hard to herself. "The little girl." She looks back up. "She dropped her teddy bear. And then she disappeared."

Why does this sound familiar?

I warily step forwards, tilting my head. "Hold on. As in...the little girl who couldn't find her mother?"

Hana meets my eyes, and nods.

Gasping quietly I turn around to look at Hoseok. He's giving me the same shocked expression.

I know exactly who she's talking about. The little girl came to Hana and I five years ago, claiming that her mother went into the unknown. She had a white teddy bear in her hands, which she dropped that day when she too was taken in the unknown.

And Hana actually remembered it, by herself. None of us brought that day up.

Hastily I sit myself down on the chair opposite her. "You remember that day?"

Hana nods faintly again.

"Yeah uh...what did she remember exactly?" Yoongi questions.

"The day we met you guys. Hana and I originally went into the unknown because this little girl said her mother went in there, so we went looking for her. That's how we found you, Taehyung and Jungkook. When we came back to Heaven we noticed the girl's teddy bear on the ground. So we went back into the unknown with Hoseok hyung this time to find her, and that's when we bumped into you guys again."

Yoongi takes in my words and raises his eyebrows. "Out of all moments, she remembered that?"

Nodding, I look back at her. "What else do you remember from that day?"

Again, she sits in silence whilst thinking. "She was killed." She whispers. Her head then turns towards Nari. "You killed her."

Nari's eyes widen and she glances at us. "That's true. I did kill her."

Why is she suddenly remembering this day? Not that I'm complaining. This is good that she's remembering little by little. I guess our memory strategy paid off.

However I'm taken off guard when she snaps her head to someone behind me. Following her gaze and turning around, I realise who she's glaring hard at.

Yoongi's eyebrows furrow whilst staring right back at her. Hana scowls, not daring to break eye contact with the dark angel.

Yoongi does break it however, questioningly glancing at the rest of us and then locking his eyes back onto Hana.

Why is she so annoyed at him?

"You..." she trails off, breathing heavily. "You slapped her. And you didn't even apologise." She grits and clenches her teeth together, also clenching her fists.

For a moment, Yoongi is lost. He has no idea what she's talking about. But then, a light bulb goes off in his mind and his eyes widen a little when he realises what she means.

Slowly, his head turns to Jiwoo. Narrowing his eyes at her, he begins to slowly smile. Jiwoo furrows her eyebrows in confusion whilst looking back at him.

"And who exactly did I slap that day, Miss Kim?" Amusingly Yoongi tilts his head back at Hana with his arms folded.

Whilst still glaring at Yoongi, she nods her head over in Jiwoo's direction.

Jiwoo blinks, before her mouth drops open in realisation. "That's right...you did slap me that day!" She exclaims, pointing to Yoongi.

Ohhh, that day!

"Was that when Yoongi hit Jiwoo when she answered him back or something?" Taehyung recalls.

Namjoon groans a little, shaking his head slightly in disappointment before nodding. "Yep." He shoves Yoongi with his arm. "Was that really necessary?"

Smugly Yoongi smiles, shrugging innocently. "I'm still not apologising by the way, so don't even think about it." He then says to Jiwoo.

Jiwoo scowls, pouting a little before turning her head away.

Taehyung holds back a little laugh, covering his mouth with his fingers.

"Why is she remembering things from that day?" Jungkook mumbles to us.

My shoulders shrug helplessly. "It's a start atleast."

My attention then goes to the darkness outside. What are we supposed to do with her now?

We can't untie her, so do we just keep her tied up for the night?

She might not like that, and may get angry at us. Which in that case, the ropes are very much necessary.

Jungkook had also noticed the night sky and sighs, standing to his feet. "I'm going to go check on Talia." He then walks out of the room.

Hana watches him leave, and then looks back to the front again. Her eyes watch all of us, but then looks confused the more she looks and identifies us all.

She opens her mouth to speak, and the two words that leave her lips leave us all speechless.

"Where's Seokjin?"

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