Meet the Parents

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Everything was going great for the longest time. It was going great until my mother finally got a hold of me and pestered the shit out of me about meeting Sonny and me visiting. I tried to get out of it all by explaining that his schedule was brutal but she wasn't really having it. My dad wasn't helping either by trying to figure out a time where Sonny could come.

Sonny eventually worked it out where he could come for two nights in between shows and I was dreading the day but it wasn't for a while so everything went back to normal....Until I found myself on a plane heading to Chicago. Cara was flying in as well so it was about to be a big family reunion. I was absolutely dreading for Sonny to meet my mom. She was going to tear him apart and knowing Cara she would just sit there and giggle which only encouraged my mother. I also hadn't told he about everything going on with me so this was about to be a disaster. 

The whole plane ride there I was on edge. 

"You need to calm down. You're starting to freak me out." Sonny said to me. I looked up from the window across to him. He had his laptop in his lap with his headphones around his neck. 

"I can't help it." I said and went back to looking out the window. "How's the album?" I asked since we were the only ones on the plane, which was pretty weird since I was so used to his whole crew laying around. He was keeping it a secret which I thought was dumb but it wasn't my place to say anything. When I say secret, I mean even people in his managment don't know yet. 

He was breaking out of his usual sound and I knew it was freaking him out. He was lay in bed and constantly ask me "What if people don't like it?" to which I would roll my eyes and remind him who he was. 

Actually, the more I thought about his album the more I was distracting myself so I decided to pry into it. I felt bad for stressing him out but it was alleaving some of mine. 

"It's pretty much where it was the last time you asked." He sighed and looked down at his computer. 

"Have you thought of a release date?" I questioned. I'm a terrible human being. I shouldn't be stressing him out. 

"No. I can't even think of that right now." He mumbled. 

"Can I hear something?" I asked. 

"All I'm working on is a drum beat." I knew he was dumbing it down for me. 

"So? Let's hear it." I shrugged. He unplugged his headphones and played what he was working on. It was literally just a steady beat. 

"Wes told me the last time I was with him that you're like god of all things drums." I told him with a shrug. He looked up confused. 

"I'm what?" 

"I don't remember how he worded it. He just said you have this amazing ability to make a drum beat or something like that." He looked focused for a second before just going "Huh. Interesting." 

He went back to his work and left me back to my own thoughts. I was playing out every possible scenario of how this trip was going to go but none of them were ending well. 

When we finally landed I felt like I was going to have a panic attack. Cara got in the night before us so she was the one picking us up. 

"This is going to be so bad." I mumbled as we got off the plane. 

"Stop thinking that." Sonny said from behind me. We grabbed our bags and set out to meet Cara. She was leaning against the car looking down at her phone. 

"You look like you've seen a ghost." She snickered when I walked up. I refused to hug her just for that comment. "Hi, we've meet before." She shook Sonny's hand. "Only you weren't famous then." She kept snickering. 

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