Chapter 1: And So It Begins... Again

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The dirt crunched beneath me as I walked through the wasteland. I shifted my weight to hold my companionp cube on my back. Dark clouds covered the sky. I untied my jacket from my waist and wore it, it was a little chilly. Suddenly I heard a cracking noise. I walked closer. It was thin and black. Inside it was just black. I picked up a rock next to me, threw it in and it vanished. Then it activated. It started sucking me in. I fell on my back. I shot a portal beneath me, and farther away. I fell through, and hopped out of the other side. But, as soon as I got out, I flew backwards as a invisible force attacked me. I flew head first into the hole.


I woke up on the ground. The sky was black, there were stars in the sky, but I couldn't find any of the earths constellations. I still had my gravity gun in hand, and my crowbar at my side. I sat up. My glasses were off center, so I adjusted them. I felt a pebble hit my back, and then I saw something. It was a woman, she was wearing an orange jumpsuit, and she was falling. She wasn't moving. She was gonna hit the ground. Quickly, I grabbed my gravity gun, and aimed it at her. I turned on the attraction setting, and pulled her body towards me. She was coming at me fast. I turned off the attraction, and pulled the trigger again. A shot of orange lightning hit her, and she slowed down a bit. Then she hit the grass.


"Doctor, what's going on?" Asked Clara.

"Well Clara, if you hadn't of spilled your coffee on the control panel, then we wouldn't be plummeting through space."

"Well sorry, but where else was I supposed to put it?"

"How about on a table, like a normal human being?" I frantically pushed buttons on the panel, trying to adjust the course. Then something caught my eye on the monitor. I slid over to it. It was sucking the TARDIS into it!

"Clara, be prepared to brace yourself." I said, and then we went through it. The TARDIS monitors were going crazy.

"What's going on!" Clara yelled.

"I don't know!"

And thats when the TARDIS crashed.


I was in my room. Life wasnt that much interesting after the revolution. But Peeta and my two children kept me company. I put the book down that I was reading and I got up and walked to my dresser. Peeta was asleep, I didn't want to wake him. He looked peaceful. I picked up a picture of Effie and Haymitch. It was from The Quarter Quell, they both had their golden symbols. Effie had her hair, and Haymitch had his bracelet. I smiled at the two of them. A sudden knock at the door startled me. I walked over to the door. But I didn't have time to open it. I heard a loud booming noise and a force was pulling me back. I screamed, trying to wake Peeta up. I looked behind me while clawing at the carpet. It was a blue portal. I grabbed the leg of the bed. Peeta jolted awake and sprang over to me.

"Katniss?!" He yelled. But it was already too late. I had flown through the portal. I could hear Peeta, Willow, and Rye scream out to me.

"PEETA!?" I screamed as I flew through the portal. Then I felt like I was falling, and I hit the ground.


I was out in the plains around Whiterun. I was hunting for meat to sell in the market. I spotted my prey, an elegant doe. I readied my bow, I took a breath in, pulled back, and right as I was about to shoot, a loud thundering noise came from above. The doe leaped off as I swore under my breath. What did the grey beards want now? I had already killed Alduin. I looked up at the tall mountain, except the purple clouds weren't over the mountain, they were right over my head. The clouds thundered. That wasn't normal, I didn't shout... so what was going on? My eyes widened as a blue box fell from the sky. I ran out of the way, my armor clinking as I ran. I ducked behind a rock that was next to a bush, providing suitable cover. I peaked behind me. The blue box fell and landed with a dirt explosion. I coughed as the dust reached me. I looked at the box again. It had words on it... It read; Police box. Free to the public. What was this thing? I ducked my head down as I saw the door open. I peaked out of the bush and saw a tall man and a shorter woman walk out, coughing and waving the dust away. I kept a low profile and loaded my bow. I watched as they argued. I moved over to the rock, they didn't notice me. I decided to show myself. I walked out from behind the rock and pointed my bow at them. Perfect timing too because my armor shimmered in the sun, creating a stronger presence. The woman stared at me in shock, and the older man pulled out a glowing wand of some sort.

"Who are you?" I asked them. The man cleared his throat.

"I am The Doctor, This is Clara. Were are we?" He stammered. I narrowed my eyes.

"You're in Skyrim." I said toughly.

"What's Skyrim? Who are you?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Where have you come from? You're gonna need to learn your ways around here, bud." I said.

"Well, I've never heard of this, 'Skyrim'. I come from Gallifrey so I have no clue what is happening, and I would appreciate it if you would help us out here!" He snapped. I didn't flinch, I remained in my mutual look. I sighed.

"I'm Karliah, I'm the Dovahkiin. I am a fierce warrior so if I were you I wouldn't stand in my way. I dont know why you're here, so dont ask me. You could ask the Greybeards though." I said pointing over to High Hrothgar. They were startled by the mere size of the mountain, to be fair, it is the highest mountain in all of Skyrim.

"And how are we supposed to get up there?!" Clara exclaimed. I was getting stressed.

"You walk. Have fun." I started to turn away.

"Wait! We dont even know the way there!" The Doctor yelled after me. I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes in frustration. I was about to shout, but I knew I shouldn't.

"My god..." I said under my breath as I turned to face them again. "Fine. I'll show you the way. But I swear, if you so much as bother me one bit, ill kill both of you. Got it?" I threatened them. the girl nodded, the doctor just crossed his arms.

"Alright then, follow me." I said walking off and putting my bow on my back.


I was outside of the walls during my night shift. I yawned as I looked at the moon. My armor was cold on my skin, which felt good because it was so hot here. But my armor was also lined with fur, so I was also warm. I adjusted my footing as the wind blew the dust in my direction. I dont know if I was seeing things, but I swear I saw a blue looking portal appear in front of me. I took a step closer to get a better look, only to be sucked right in! Sh**! I screamed as I felt like I was falling. The hard impact knocked the wind out of my lungs.

"Ouch!" I yelped. I groaned and stood up. I held my left arm over my chest and my right clutched my dragon tooth dagger. The atmosphere was dark and foggy. I could barely see my own feet. I trudged forward into the darkness. I heard a crack behind me and quickly spun around.

"Whos there?" I asked. Nothing, not a sound. I shrugged it off as me just hearing things. I continued forward, only to hear the snap again. I knew I wasn't hearing things, someone or something was following me. I gripped my dagger with all my might and frantically searched for the thing that I knew was out there. I walked with careful feet, but when I looked back a hard object met my head, and I blacked out.

The Portal Through The Universe Part 2Where stories live. Discover now