Chapter 11: High Horathgar

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Two guards came running around the corner, muskets pointed at us. I shot my arrow at one's head and he collapsed to the ground, dead. Ezio stabbed the other one in the stomach with his hidden blade. Blood erupted from the mans mouth. Ezio pulled his blade out and the man fell next to his comrade. Ezio cleaned his blade with a white cloth, staining it.
"We have to go. They know we're down here. I'm sure there are more so keep an eye out." He said running to where the guards came from. I followed closely behind. We came to an opening to the streets above. But just as he was opening it a guard came from behind us and grabbed my mouth and pulled me down to the ground. I tried to scream to Ezio to try to warn him that there was a guard with a sword coming up behind him. The guard stabbed Ezio in his side. Ezio dropped to his knees. But the wound wasn't in the right spot to kill. My eyes widened. The guards laughed as they started to drag me away. I kicked against them. I put up a fight but they had grips of steel. I thrashed. I wouldn't give up. I wasn't afraid of them. Once I felt there grips loosen I wiggled out and quickly stood up. They ran towards me but I punched one in the mouth and he staggered back giving me time to knee the other one in the chest. Once they were both regaining themselves I took my time to draw my bow and shoot an arrow into each of their hearts. Once dead, I threw their bodies down into the sewer water to erase the evidence. I ran back to Ezio who wasn't there. But the exit was opened and I could see a trail of blood. I swore under my breath us I pulled myself up onto the streets. I looked around. People walked all around me in large groups. I had no clue where he was in this huge city.

I couldnt see. The bag over my head was too thick. I knew that someone was dragging me somewhere. My feet were bound and bounced on the rocks on the ground. They threw me down on the ground. I hit something wooden. They took the bag off my head. Oh no. Oh god no. A crowd had gathered. They pushed me up the steps. And then they put the rope around my neck.

"Well, you probably should talk to her. She needs somebody to help her right now."
"I-I don't know how. I don't know how to help her." Karliah sighed. This had to be tough on her. Figuring out that you have a sister you never met, and she's probably scared of you by now.
"Try just introducing yourself to her." I suggested.
"That's...Actually a pretty good idea Farkas." The doctor said. I smiled.

I watched as Karliah walked over towards Ember. I hoped she could help her. And I hoped Ember could help Karliah. She might act as sort of a blockade if she freaks out again. We grabbed our bags and started up again. Soon we had reached the top. A huge castle like building loomed in front of us.
"This is where the greybeards are. I don't know if they like new folk around here, so stay behind me and Farkass." We nodded.
"And, Danny?"
"You should probably wait outside. They might think you're a dwemer centurion." He crossed his arms and glared at her. Then he sighed and walked off.


The metal man rolled his eyes. We walked into the castle. The Doctor and Ember looked at the huge interior of the place. The Greybeards looked surprised to see us.
"Karliah, Farkas, what are you two doing here?" Arngeir asked. I walked up to him.
"Who are you with?" Borri asked.
"This is The Doctor and Ember. Were here to ask you some questions." I said.
"Alright then, ask away."
"So, The Doctor here came from this portal thing that appeared out of nowhere and then vanished. He was with another woman but... She's not exactly here, at the moment." I cleared my throat at the end. Arngeir looked worried. He sighed.
"Oh dear..." He said in a hushed manor.
"What? Do you know what they are?" I asked getting hopeful.
"I'm afraid I do, but very little." He told me. I watched as he turned away.
"Come." He said. We followed him to an old bookshelf. He traced his finger along the books, trying to find the correct one. Once he found it he right one he picked it up and blew the dust off of it. He coughed and then spoke. He pulled out a book called; 'Portals: Doors to your dreams'. Strange name for a book in Skyrim. It obviously wasn't written here, or in this era. He flipped to the first page and then read;
"Portals, as you may know them, actually appear more than you think... They appear about every 20 years or so. They suck people in and take them to their dreams. The victims may not know it, but the Portals are actually solving their problems.... But not all the time. Some people may be reunited with loved ones they have lost, or they may achieve their greatest dreams, or they may finally realize what's most important. Others may not be as lucky. Some people may encounter their greatest fear, or one of their loved ones die, or just don't get anything at all. Anyway it all depends on what the Portal senses in the victim." He finished. Woah. This was more serious that I thought.
"Is that for sure?" I asked him. He sighed and placed the book back.
"Yes, Im afraid so. We can't do anything until you realize what it's done for you." He said as he walked over to the middle of the room with the others. I stared at the ground. This was real?

I stared at his hand for a moment. I didn't shake it.
"Dynami. What are you doing way out here?" I questioned him. He pulled his hand back.
"Just walking. I live just over that hill. Theres a small town. Would you want to come with me?" He asked. I thought for a moment. Anything would be better than out here. I nodded. He started to walk in the direction he said, I followed him. Once we made it to the top of the hill I looked down and there was a little town, like he had said. Well, he wasn't lying. But I still don't know if I could trust him.

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